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Malva verticillata - L.

Common Name Chinese Mallow, Cluster mallow
Family Malvaceae
USDA hardiness 6-12
Known Hazards When grown on nitrogen rich soils (and particularly when these are cultivated inorganically), the plant tends to concentrate high levels of nitrates in its leaves[76]. The leaves are perfectly wholesome at all other times.
Habitats On plains and in arable fields[74, 266].
Range E. Asia - China.
Edibility Rating    (5 of 5)
Other Uses    (2 of 5)
Weed Potential Yes
Medicinal Rating    (2 of 5)
Care (info)
Fully Hardy Moist Soil Semi-shade Full sun
Malva verticillata Chinese Mallow, Cluster mallow

Malva verticillata Chinese Mallow, Cluster mallow


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Physical Characteristics

 icon of manicon of flower
Malva verticillata is a ANNUAL/BIENNIAL growing to 1.7 m (5ft 7in).
See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 6 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. The plant is self-fertile.
Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: mildly acid, neutral and basic (mildly alkaline) soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers moist soil.

UK Hardiness Map US Hardiness Map


Plant Habitats

Woodland Garden Sunny Edge; Dappled Shade; Cultivated Beds;

Edible Uses

Edible Parts: Leaves  Seed
Edible Uses:

Leaves - raw or cooked[2, 51, 61, 100, 183]. The leaves of well-grown plants can be 15cm or more across. They have a mild and very pleasant flavour that makes an excellent addition to salads[K]. We use them as a tasty alternative to the lettuce[K]. Young seeds - raw or cooked. Used when green and immature[85]. A pleasant nutty taste but the seed is too small and fiddly for most people to want to harvest[K].

References   More on Edible Uses

Medicinal Uses

Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.
Demulcent  Digestive  Diuretic  Emollient  Galactogogue  Laxative

The seed contains mucilage, polysaccharides and flavonoids[279]. It is demulcent, diuretic, emollient, galactogogue and laxative[147, 176, 218]. The seeds are used in Tibetan medicine, where they are considered to have a sweet and astringent taste plus a heating potency[241]. They are used in the treatment of renal disorders, the retention of fluids, frequent thirst and diarrhoea[241]. The root is used to cause vomiting in the treatment of whooping cough[240]. The leaves and stems are said to be digestive[240]. They are given to women in the advanced stages of pregnancy[240].

References   More on Medicinal Uses

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Other Uses


Cream, yellow and green dyes can be obtained from the plant and the seed heads[168 ]. An extract of the leaves, flowers and stems is used as an ingredient in commercial cosmetic preparations as a skin conditioner[1243 ]. An essential oil obtained from the seeds is used as an ingredient in commercial cosmetic preparations as an emollient and skin conditioner[1243 ]. The following were listed under Malva meluca and mohileviensis (both now considered to be synonyms of this species) The seed contains up to 10 - 20% of a greenish oil with an iodine number 116.9[74 ]. It is used for making soap[74 ]. The fibre obtained from the stem is a useful substitute for jute in cordage production. The fibre is strong, but somewhat coarse and brittle. It is inferior in quality to kenaf and hemp. The fibre has a breaking strength of 14 kilos without a knot and 9 - 10 kilos with a knot[74 ].

Special Uses

Food Forest

References   More on Other Uses

Cultivation details

A very easily grown plant, succeeding in ordinary garden soil[1], though it prefers a reasonably well-drained and moderately fertile soil in a sunny position[200]. This species is cultivated as a salad crop in parts of Europe[17, 50, 51]. There is at least one named variety:- 'Crispa' has more tender leaves than the species with curled leaf edges that make it look more attractive in salads. This species was one of the earliest domesticated crops in China, it has been in cultivation for well over 2,500 years[183]. Plants seem to be immune to the predations of rabbits[233]. Plants are prone to infestation by rust fungus[200]. In garden design, as well as the above-ground architecture of a plant, root structure considerations help in choosing plants that work together for their optimal soil requirements including nutrients and water. The root pattern is clumping, giving the plant a clumping habit. The predictable growth behaviour makes it easier to maintain without having to apply containment methods[2-1].

References   Carbon Farming Information and Carbon Sequestration Information

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Plants For A Future have a number of books available in paperback and digital form. Book titles include Edible Plants, Edible Perennials, Edible Trees,Edible Shrubs, Woodland Gardening, and Temperate Food Forest Plants. Our new book is Food Forest Plants For Hotter Conditions (Tropical and Sub-Tropical).

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Plant Propagation

Seed - sow early spring in situ. Germination should take place within 2 weeks.

Other Names

If available other names are mentioned here

Chinese Mallow, Cluster Mallow, Whorled Mallow, Fodder Mallow, Auk, Chinese mallow, Chyatalama, Ekituruguma, Iamuda, Jiangba, Jin kui, Mikanchi, Ninagu, cc, Tugur nago, Wild Kui, Ye Kui, aug, blue mallow, castillian mallow, cluster mallow fruit, common mallow, curled cheeseweed, curled mallow, curly mallow, curly-leaved mallow, curly-leaved mallow, dong kui, dong kui zi, dongkuiguo, dongkuízi, fructus malvae, kransmalva, malva, malva crespa, malva-crespa-verdadeira, malvae fructus, malvae semen, mauve crépue, mauve verticillée, quiri-malve, whorled mallow, ye kui

Native Range


Weed Potential

Right plant wrong place. We are currently updating this section. Please note that a plant may be invasive in one area but may not in your area so it’s worth checking.

Conservation Status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants Status : This taxon has not yet been assessed

Related Plants
Latin NameCommon NameHabitHeightHardinessGrowthSoilShadeMoistureEdibleMedicinalOther
Abelmoschus esculentusOkraAnnual1.0 5-11  LMHNM432
Abelmoschus manihotAibikaPerennial3.0 8-11 FLMHNM412
Abelmoschus moschatusMusk Mallow,Musk OkraPerennial2.0 8-11 FLMHNM233
Abroma augustaCotton Abroma. Perennial Indian Hemp.Shrub3.0 10-12 FLMHNM034
Abutilon megapotamicumTrailing AbutilonShrub2.0 7-10 FLMHSNM400
Abutilon ochsenii Shrub4.0 7-10  LMHSNM30 
Abutilon pictumAbutilon, Parlour Maple, Flowering Maple, SpottedShrub5.0 8-10 MLMHSNM30 
Abutilon purpurascens Shrub2.4 8-11  LMHSNDM20 
Abutilon species Shrub3.0 7-10  LMHSNM30 
Abutilon theophrastiChina Jute, Velvetleaf, Butterprint Buttonweed Jute, China Mallow, Indian Velvet LeafAnnual1.0 0-0  LMHSNDM324
Abutilon vitifolium Shrub8.0 7-10  LMHSNM30 
Abutilon x hybridumChinese Lantern, Flowering MapleShrub3.0 9-11 FLMHSNM300
Abutilon x milleriTrailing AbutilonShrub3.0 7-10  LMHSNM30 
Abutilon x suntense Shrub8.0 7-10 FLMHSNM30 
Adansonia digitataBaobab, Judas Fruit, Monkey Bread TreeTree20.0 10-12 SLMHNDM334
Alcea roseaHollyhockPerennial2.4 5-9 FLMHNDM323
Althaea cannabinaPalm-leaf marshmallowPerennial1.8 4-8  LMHNDM001
Althaea officinalisMarsh Mallow, Common marshmallowPerennial1.2 3-7  LMHNDM553
Bombax ceibaRed Silk Cotton Tree, Kapok TreeTree25.0 10-12 MLMHNDM224
Burretiodendron hsienmuHsienmu woodTree35.0 10-12 SLMHNM004
Callirhoe digitataFinger Poppy Mallow, WinecupPerennial0.9 4-8  LNDM20 
Callirhoe involucrataPoppy Mallow, Purple poppymallow, Winecup, Finger Poppy MallowPerennial0.2 4-8 MLNDM320
Callirhoe leiocarpaTall Poppy-MallowAnnual0.9 5-9  LNDM20 
Ceiba aesculifoliaPochoteTree25.0 10-12 MLMHNDM214
Ceiba pentandraKapok Tree, Cotton Tree, Suma'maTree50.0 10-12 FMHNDM335
Clappertonia ficifoliaBolo BoloShrub2.5 10-12 FLMNMWe014
Cola acuminataCola Nut, Kola, Bissy NutTree20.0 10-12 MLMHNM342
Cola nitidaCola Nut, Kola, Bissy NutsTree20.0 10-12 SLMHSNDM342
Durio dulcisDurian Marangang, Merangang, Red Durian, Tutong, LahongTree30.0 11-12 MLMHNM402
Durio zibethinusDurianTree30.0 10-12 MLMHNM512

Growth: S = slow M = medium F = fast. Soil: L = light (sandy) M = medium H = heavy (clay). pH: A = acid N = neutral B = basic (alkaline). Shade: F = full shade S = semi-shade N = no shade. Moisture: D = dry M = Moist We = wet Wa = water.


Expert comment



Botanical References


Links / References

For a list of references used on this page please go here
A special thanks to Ken Fern for some of the information used on this page.

Readers comment

L thompson   Mon Jan 10 22:50:53 2005

What are the side effects (other than the laxative effect) from this tea/leaf... I have been drinking it for a few years... and have looked several times online to see if there is any updated cautions... it helps me with constipation and works effectively...so please send a reply for anything else you may know of caution...thanks lthompson

   Wed Jun 29 00:47:55 2005

i've been hunting for info too, heres an interesting article to read

http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/health/teatime/597_tea.html cheers

Vicki Blanco   Mon Sep 13 23:42:23 2004

I only just recently bought malva verticellata in tea form and the packaging says that it's a good tea to have when you are on a diet. I'm just wonder if this is true? and should I limit myself to 1 a day? I absolutely love the flavour, but get a really upset stomach after I've have 1 or 2 - is this a bad thing? If anyone can answer my questions that would be fantastic - thank you!

Link: True Star Health Information about Malva Verticillata (refered to as 'Mallow')

   Wed Sep 22 14:06:27 2004

I use this tea as well. It says to brew for 5 minutes in 10 oz. water. It gave a belly ache, too but it cleaned me out. I will continue to use it but in loose tea form so that I can make it weaker and it won't upset my stomach. OR I can make the tea with the bag and just drink 1/3 of it a day to keep my intestines clean.

elizbeth   Sun Dec 11 2005

I would like to know if there is any side effects to the malva vertiillata tea, I an a breast cancer survivor and gain a lot of weight durning my treament and would like to use this product to help loose weight

karen cunningham   Tue Dec 20 2005

Sami, I would suggest staying within one minute of a bathroom for the first couple of days. The tea can be mildy or strongly responded to. Depending on your own system, you will definitely experience more vigorous bowel movements, but this tea sure does cleanse your system. I would start with one cup per day and not too strong to start. Tastes great Karen

Vera   Fri Dec 30 2005

I have been suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for 8 years now, and have tried all kinds of prescriptions from my gastrologist. Nothing has been able to work as well as this herb. I have been drinking the tea for a year now, and it has changed my life drastically. I have attempted to show the tea to my gastrologist, but he did not care to check the box or the ingrediants. Then again, the tea is not paying him to recommend the product either.

guille   Tue Jan 31 2006

I have been dringing this tea for about 3 months and I really like it because I feel like it cleanse me, but I get really bad cramps for a few seconds. should I stop using it?.

diane   Thu Mar 9 2006

I'm on a thyroid medication and have thyroid cancer, is taking Malva harmful? How does the weight loss work, how much weight can I expect to loose by drinking one cup of tea a day?

LOVECHILD504   Mon Mar 20 2006

I have taken the tea (3 Ballerina Tea), this stuff really works! I dont know exactly how much weight I lost, because I dont usually lose weight to look at the numbers, I measure it by how I feel and how my body looks. And another thing I did have one side effect, headaches, thats why I stopped using it.

S. L. Priest   Wed Mar 22 2006

I drink one cup of malva/loquat tea each evening. It keeps me very regular. After a colonoscopy the doctor told me I had some melanosis. He said it was from abusing laxatives. I have never taken a laxative, just drink the tea once a day. Could this be from the tea? It is supposed to go away when you stop laxative use. I think it was from the stuff they have you drink before the colonoscopy. What you say? Thanks!

TOmi   Sat May 13 2006

another ingredient in the 3 ballerina tea is Senna. you can become dependent to senna. this is probably why you guys are having headaches.

R.James   Fri Jul 28 2006

I have recently started taking the tea, it definitely cleanses. But to those who have a problem with it, the instructions on the box does advise that you brew the tea to your capability.Three minutes is the steeping time, but less if that is to strong for you. So far I can't complain

Mel   Sun Sep 10 2006

I get the most awful stomache cramps from this tea. There is no quick and easy fix to losing weight. I have lost twenty kilos - without the tea. To loose weight you just have to cut out junk food and sodas etc and exercise. If you stay focused you will loose weight and you will have so much more energy.

Ken Fern   Sat Sep 23 2006

Malva verticillata, taken on its own as a salad or as a tea, is a very safe and nutritious herb that, because it is rich in mucilage, will also work to lubricate the mucous membranes of the body (airways, digestive tract etc). Thus it is very beneficial in cases of dry cough and a range of intestinal problems including IBS and mild constipation (where it works in a gentle and natural way to moisten the stool and ease defecation). However, in the slimming tea that people have been talking about, the main ingredient is senna - this is a very aggressive herb that irritates the gastric tract and causes a rapid movement of stool. In this tea, the Malva is used mainly to counteract the irritant effect of the senna, and not for its own beneficial properties. Senna is a laxative that should only be used on rare occasions, mainly where a runny stool is required due to other problems such as anal fissure. It should never be used on a regular basis because it will then weaken the body's own ability to pass stool. I would strongly advise anyone who is using this tea on a regular basis, whether to help lose weight, as a laxative or for any other purpose, to stop now and look for a more healthy way of dealing with their health problems. I think we have had enough discussion on this issue - as moderator I will not accept any more posts on this subject unless they bring forward new information.

Janice   Tue Nov 28 2006

I have been drinking this tea for a couple of years now, mostly every night, and have noticed that when I don't drink it, my BM's are much less. The type of tea I drink has only the ingredient "Chinese Mallow" listed on the box. I want to make sure I understand about this. this relative to the senna. If the kind I'm drinking has senna in it, shouldn't the ingredient section list it on the box? Thanks

Ken Fern, Plants for a Future   Sat Dec 2 2006

Janice, if your tea is comprised solely of Malva verticillata, then it is a very healthy drink that you can consume regularly. If no other ingredients are listed on your packet, then legally there should be no other ingredients. If in doubt, contact the producers of the tea.

Carl Spence   Sat Dec 2 2006

I use the malva verticillata as a tea drink and find it very useful, I would like to add the plant to my garden - do you know where I can find a source? I live in Ontario Canada Like you page very informative.

Ken Fern, Plants for a Future   Tue Dec 5 2006

A seed company in America that will post to Canada is http://www.sandmountainherbs.com/index.html.

GENISTA from Australia   Sat Dec 30 2006

So happy to have found this site. I too occasionally drink 3 Ballerina Tea usually when I am constipated or have had a weekend of over indulgence in food (Xmas! etc). I too get terrible stomach cramps and usually only have it on a day when I know I am going to be home as the rush to the bathroom comes on too suddenly to be out shopping, visiting, or even at work. I have not lost any weight but then I do not take it on a regular basis due to its violent laxative action. I live in Australia and buy it at my local Chinese Supermarket. The herbs listed in the box I purchase are MALVA VERTICILLATA and PERSIMMON LEAF which I believe is full of antioxidants, such as vitamin A & C. I notice most messages here refer to SENNA being included in the tea which accounts for the laxative action. If there is no SENNA in the tea I drink I am curious as what causes the laxative action. There is no chance that SENNA would be omitted from the ingredients listing as by law of the Food & Drug Administration of Australia all ingredients have to be listed on the box. I am curious as to what is causing the violent laxative action? Any takes? I LOVE the flavour of this tea and would love to drink it more often as I do green tea but I think I would become totally dehydrated. Would welcome any replies. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Eloisa   Mon Jan 1 2007

The tea I drink is called "Regular Strength Dieters' Nutra-Slim Tea".It claims that the only ingredient is has is Malva Verticillata. I get it at the a Chinese supermarket (there are many!) here in Costa Rica. Defitely, what causes the laxative action is the "Chinese Mallow". I started off taking it in the morning as soon as I got up (not the best effect when you are still at work). Now I take it in the early evening or just before I go to bed. That way the laxative effect is over before I go to work. I find that in combination with sensible eating and exersise it helps in loosing weight. Considering the effects this tea has on the digestive system, I don't think I would try to have it more than once a day. There is an "extra strength" but when I tried it I got horrible stomach cramps and the same effect so I stuck to the regular. I hope this is useful for you in Australia. Happy New Year to you too!

sue bugaloo   Fri Mar 16 2007

I have crohns disease, with the inflammation being in the lower small intestine, which leaves me frequently constipated. Not even exlax helps with the constipation. Most of the time a diet high in fibre helps, but I'm rather bored with it and sometimes can't help cheating. After drinking a cup of tea i found that it had a mild laxitive effect. Gotta say, I'm impressed. Next time the pizza comes around, maybe I'll indluge.

Ken Fern, Plants for a Future   Sun Mar 25 2007

We have had a few comments sent in recently about this tea. All of them have noted that, although the packet might not mention senna, if you look carefully at the plastic bag that contains the teabags, then you will see that it mentions Cassia angustifolia - which is senna! Thus, I would repeat my warning, posted in September 2006, about the dangers of using senna. I would advise anyone buying any tea containing Malva verticillata to be extra careful that it does not also contain senna.

   Wed Jun 21 2006

i've been using mine, but i am throwing it out, senna is a laxative and no weight loss that comes from this tea can be positive, yes it can be the laxative that your docotr is talking about, stay away from this tea

Ken Fern   Sat Sep 23 2006

Malva verticillata, taken on its own as a salad or as a tea, is a very safe and nutritious herb that, because it is rich in mucilage, will also work to lubricate the mucous membranes of the body (airways, digestive tract etc). Thus it is very beneficial in cases of dry cough and a range of intestinal problems including IBS and mild constipation (where it works in a gentle and natural way to moisten the stool and ease defecation). However, in the slimming tea that people have been talking about, the main ingredient is senna - this is a very aggressive herb that irritates the gastric tract and causes a rapid movement of stool. In this tea, the Malva is used mainly to counteract the irritant effect of the senna, and not for its own beneficial properties. Senna is a laxative that should only be used on rare occasions, mainly where a runny stool is required due to other problems such as anal fissure. It should never be used on a regular basis because it will then weaken the body's own ability to pass stool. I would stronglt advise anyone who is using this tea on a regular basis, whether to help lose weight, as a laxative or for any other purpose, to stop now and look for a more healthy way of dealing with their health problems. I think we have had enough discussion on this issue - as moderator I will not accept any more posts on this subject unless they bring forward new information.

laila   Thu Jan 4 2007

Hello, I'm from australia & am a user of the nutri slim dieters regular strength tea as well, I was wondering if consuing the tea on a daily basis is safe? and if it affects fertility, or ability to become pregnant, now and in the future? It really does feel like you have been cleansed each day after drinking it, i too drink it at night and usually the laxative efect is over before going to work too. Thanks and i hope to get an answer or link to an answer to my questions soon. thank you.

   Sat Mar 24 2007

i have been driking this tea for a year and it does cause bad stomach cramps and loose stool but, i have it put on a time schedule. when i drink it at 9am in the morning i usually espect the cramps at 6pm in the evening so it helps if you know your body, i have lost over 30lbs . the downside is that your body get use to the tea, so when you discontinue use you may some sought of IBS cause your body become addicted to the senna that helps with the bowl movement.

   Sun Mar 25 2007

I also just purchased a box of the regular strenth nutri-slim tea thinking the only ingredient was malva verticillata but notice some fine writing on the plastis bag that holds the tea in the box that says,"this product contains senna!" Knew it was too good to be true!!

Saraj   Sat May 12 2007

I also have the nutri-slim tea made by Hoja-Verde. I have closely investigated the bag that contains the tea and the box. As far as I can tell, the ONLY ingredient is "Malva Verticillata (Chinese high mallow)". Am I to understand that chinese high mallow and malva verticillata are the same thing? Sorry for beating a dead horse, I am just struggling to understand why it does have such a laxative affect on me It does say on the box it will have this affect but it says it should only last a couple of days and its been slightly longer for me so far and whether it is in fact dangerous and dependence building like consistently taking laxatives can be.

Leigh Ann   Wed Jun 20 2007

Mine does not list senna and the plastic bag the tea bags are in has no writing what so ever on it. So still there is no mention of senna being an ingredient anywhere, only Malva Verticillata. I can't drink this tea all at once or I get horrible cramping. I have to space it out over a few hours but it works very well.

Picture of the box for my Nu-Slim tea.

aida   Mon Jun 25 2007

i have a lot of problems with constipation.and i cannot use any laxative because i breast feed my daughter and i would like to loose some weight i don't know if this will help i don't know what are the side effects on my aughter from this tea but if it will only be a loose bowl movement that will help me and her do please reply as soon as you can

John Foster, M.D.   Sat Jun 30 2007

Melanosis of the colon is pigmentation (melanin is the pigment that makes tanned skin brow) caused by stimulant laxative overuse. Senna is a stimulant laxative. Chronic senna use will cause melanosis of the colon - it wasn't caused by your colonoscopy prep!

Del   Fri Oct 12 2007

I've tried the 3 Ballerina tea only twice recently, two weeks apart. Both times I had the excessive bowel movements almost 9 hours after drinking it. I've also had episodes of what I can only describe as hallucinating the day after drinking the tea. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

SiS   Tue Oct 16 2007

I have been using Malva V... for 1 year. When I drink several glasses of water before taking the tea I don't get cramps. I use it once a day and it really cleans my system.

Phyllis Novik   Wed Oct 17 2007

The tea I drink is Panax Ginseng Slim Tea. Ingredients: Panax ginseng, Glycyrrhiza (licorice), Uralensis, Malva Verticellata. As you see, the Malva is last so has the least. Most is ginseng. Does not give cramps or diarrhea but relieves constipation wonderfully well. Agrees with me completely. Get it in Chinese tea shops or markets. Hope this helps.

shaz   Tue Oct 23 2007

hi iam from melbourne in australia and i have used regular strengh dieters nutri-slim tea only 3 times drinking it at night. around 8 am i had stomach cramps and had to run to toilet x 4 for about 1 hour very hard while trying to drop kids off at school. i have search all over my packet and inside on plastic bag but can not find any mention of senna but i still have my doubts.will take only weak brew every 2nd night until i find out more info

Renee   Tue Nov 6 2007

heres some info i got by Google-ing Malva Verticellata... Loquat leaf is a gastric sedative and antiemetic, and a respiratory sedative, antitussive and expectorant. In traditional Chinese medicine terms, it works on the respiratory and digestive systems, and the lung and stomach channels. Malva verticellata is used, among other things, for excess mucous and gastritis. In traditional Chinese medicine terms, it works on urinary, digestive and hormonal systems, and on the bladder, small intestine, and large intestine channels. Tea (specifically green tea but few studies are carried out on other types of tea for some reason) promotes fat oxidation and has thermogenic properties, which basically means that it can burn fat at very low levels. Drinking tea alone will not cause you to loose much, if any weight, but as part of a healthy lifestyle it is highly recommended. This an herb used in Chinese medicine and large doses are laxative. It is described as "a soothing diuretic, used for urinary tract infections" and "a urinary restorative, demulcent laxative, anti-inflammatory, draining diuretic". In traditional Chinese medicine terms, it works on urinary, digestive and hormonal systems, and on the bladder, small intestine, large intestine channels. According to THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HERBS by Demi Brown, loquat leaf is "a bitter, expectorant herb that controls coughing and vomiting; it is effective against bacterial and viral infections...internally for bronchitis, coughs with feverish colds, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, and persistent burping." Brown says that Malva verticellata is used, among other things, for excess mucous and gastritis. She says that "large doses are laxative". Brown also says that Malva is "a soothing diuretic, used for urinary tract infections. It also promotes lactation." Holmes states that Malva verticellata is a urinary restorative, demulcent laxative, anti-inflammatory, draining diuretic. In traditional Chinese medicine terms, he states that it works on urinary, digestive and hormonal systems, and on the bladder, small intestine, large intestine channels. It sounds like some writers here are confusing Malva and Loquat with the controversal Senna (which is a strong and dependency-inducing laxative). Please read the tea boxes carefully for ingredients to ensure you are consuming your desired herbs.

Char   Thu Nov 15 2007

I have been researching several teas as the lanuage is usually not in english and have found that Senna is also listed under the name Locust plant or Cassia Augtiolia which is actually Senna.Just wanted to share the info as I have experienced all of the above mentioned reactions, so would caution using any tea without researching all the ingredients. Char

Char   Thu Nov 15 2007

Correction to my post: I noticed I miss spelled CASSIA AUGUSTIFOLIA.

sara   Fri Nov 23 2007

I recently tried "Dieter's Green Tea" with the only ingredients listed as malva verticellata and loquat leaf. Tasted great but did absolutley nothing!! Was expecting to sit by the washroom all day and had no results! Truly disappointed!

kere   Fri Dec 28 2007

If used more than a couple days in a row, this drink causes a feeling of depression and negative thoughts. It really starts to slow you down.

silvia   Sat Jan 12 2008

Silvia Sat Jan 11,2008 I also have been using the 3 ballerina tea, and i find that it does not always work, please respond.

   Sun Jan 20 2008

lucy sat jan 19 2008 I've drinking the "Dieter's Green Tea" for about 2 years. It's not the greatest tasting tea, but It truly does work!!!! and I feel great the next day.

maria   Thu Feb 14 2008

I had IBS for more that 10 years the only thing that helped me with this chronic problem is malva tea. I even didn't stop using it while I was pregnant and breast fed my baby because I did not had a choice. My bloating and constipation were terrible without that tea.

Shayne   Mon Feb 25 2008

in conclusion of reading all these posts i've came up with.. MELVA, LOQUAT, and SENNA all have to do with DIGESTION.. and with the stomach/area... so it sounds like any use of any of these ingrediants in tea is going to have a laxative effect and/or give create the cramps... of course depending on your body type and how strong you make your tea will determine how fast you experience this bowel movements and how strong/mild you experience them



jennifer   Fri Mar 21 2008

I have had issues with bm's for years to the point of the toxins building up and causing my skin to break out on occasion. A friend recommended the 3 Ballerina tea to me, but there is a warning about mixing it with medication. Is there any risk in taking this tea whike on an anti-depressant?

Brenda   Thu Mar 27 2008

I'm a little confused, is Malva verticillata the same as Malve verticellata? The reason I ask, is because I have taken a tea called Herbal Trim Tea, that contains in the ingredients,TZE-BEI TEA(All NATURAL) and MALVE VERTICELLATA.

Shawn   Fri Apr 11 2008

I have been takeing this tes for almost a year and before this I never had any problems with my health but now the doctors is saying my liver count was high when I looked this up on the computer it says it can be caused by greentea thats when I knew it was the 3 ballerina tea well now they have to check me for hepititis and I have to go to a GI doctor hopfully it was just high because the tea is still in my system and nothing major has happen because of this. Dont take this I WAS TAKING IT EVERYNIGHT.......

M Beveridge   Mon Apr 28 2008

I too has have tried Regular Strength Dieters' II True-Slim Tea. I did get stomach cramps and frequent used of the bathroom. The only ingreddients writte on the box is Malva Verticelatt and All-Natural Oriental Herbs. I want to know what they my by "all -Natural Herbs. After using it onced, I could not pass bm for a week, which worried me. I felt bloated and when i finally went to the bathroom i was constipated. I want to try this tea again but i want to know it this containe "senna"

Adrienne   Fri May 16 2008

I am going to try this tea for the first time ever and i think well i hope that it will work for me. im going to post after my first 3 days to let you know the results i will weigh my self in the morning and then again in 3 days on that morning i will be here to let you all know if any one has any info that you would like to share with me please feel free to thanks all right here i go!.

Maree Filipczuk   Wed Jul 9 2008

My daughter had a very disturbing episode early one morning after drinking "ballerina tea". She experineced stomach pains, a severe dizzy spell and then appeared to faint. Her eyes were open, but vacant and she couldn't here me speaking to her. Please don't take herbal remedies without consulting your docotor or pharmacist regarding possible side effects.

Cee Dee   Thu Jul 17 2008

There are other teas out there that do not have senna in them. Read the labels and follow the directions. I use Triple Leaf Brand Super Slimming Tea and have none of the affects that the people above describe. Also, as an added note Malva Verticillata (Chinese Mallow) is good for a variety of things. Since I have been drinking 1 cup a day (for 4 years now), my bust size has increased from a D cup to FF cup. The herb is supposed to promote lacation...go figure.

MaryAnne   Sat Jul 19 2008

BEWARE NUTRI-SLIM TEA Drinkers! This tea does have Senna. Read the fine print on the carton, right below the "Ingredient." It clearly says "This product contains senna." I have been drinking this tea for close to a month - twice a day. I lost over 5pounds, which was great, but I started getting really bad cramps which escalated until my boyfriend rushed me to the E.R. I was strictly warned to STAY AWAY FROM SENNA & THE TEA. I am throwing mine in te trash. Be warned, you guys. The long term damage is not worth it. Fortunately, my body was giving strong signals that the tea was causing damage to my body.

Tara   Tue Jul 22 2008

I am from Fiji, and i have been on this tea for 2 and a half weeks, and it is amazing. more watery Bowel outputs but i tell yu, it cleanses my GI tract completely. i think a bag a day is good enough.

lisa   Wed Sep 17 2008

I just started drinking bamboo leaf brand true slim tea Extra strength dieter's II, but it doesn't say it has senna. Does anyone know for sure. The box just says:Malva Verticellato and All natural oriental herbs.

sue   Mon Sep 22 2008

I have just started using "Dr Millers Holy Tea" which contains persimmon leaf, malva leaf (chinese mallow), milk thistle, marshmallow and blessed thistle (cnicus benedictus). I have found it very beneficial even though it seems to clean you out,albeit gently.

   Mon Nov 3 2008

I have been drinking this dieter's tea with the ingredients malva verticellata and loquat leaf. This tea has been very useful in having a BM within 12 hours after use. I just had a colonoscopy and my doctor said that dieters tea is a laxative and can be harmful if used regularly. He recommended I just use metamucil. I used Metamucil before and i have to take 2 or 3 glasses before it really works. Can somebody tell me if there is any bad effects for this tea with the mentioned two ingredients. thanks. George

marta   Wed Nov 12 2008

i started drinking "ultra slim tea" about 14 days ago. it didn't do much at first for me but now it's really kicked in. i would only drink one bag a day. the only ingrediants listed (anywhere and everywhere) are malva v, persimmon leaf, papaya, orange peel, and loquat leaf. sounds ok, but i am starting to get worried with all the comments above. i will continue to to reserch.

Ki   Fri Nov 14 2008

I'm a 20 year old woman and I started drinking A tripleleaf tea called Super Slimming, in includes Malva verticillata, Senna, persimmon and licorice root. It does make me go to the bathroom about 10-12 hours after drinking it. It's not supposed to be used more than 7 consecutive days. I started using it maybe 3 weeks ago, and have never used it for more than 7 days. One problem that i've had and i'm not sure if it's due to the tea but ever since i started drinking the tea I havent had my menstrual cycle, i'm kinda confused! Just wanted to know if any of those ingredients would disrupt the cycle. Any help would be appreciated, Thanx!

DDmo   Sun Nov 16 2008

LOSE weight... L O S E. NOT "loose" when you refer to losing "LOSING" weight, not 'loosing.' Thank you for correct word usage and spelling.

Cassandra   Sun Nov 23 2008

ALL THINGS IN MODERATION MY FRIENDS !.... I have been drinking this '3 Ballerina Tea' for over 6 years now., I too experience cramping on occasion, which I have discovered is relative to the current conditon of my bowel and intenstinal tract, relative to the foods I ingest. When I eat well (whole foods), I do not experience cramping., When I eat (processed foods) I experience cramping. The best formula I have discovered for using this Wonderful tea, is to use ONE tea bag per day, steeped in boiling water UNTIL COLD, do not drink it hot, only use this product for 4-7 days., this will give your body and digestive tract a good clense., this is not a product to be relied upon indefinately. I use this product for a general clensing, several times per year ONLY. The objective is to maintain homeostastis (balance of the system)., again this can only be achieved by using this sort of product as part of an overall approach to health. I too have lost weight using the product., and being someone who suffers constant mild constipation, this product does wonders for my overall consistency. Overuse of anything like this, will always have a down/negative side to its use. BALANCE, BALANCE, BALANCE.

Sunday Twelvetrees   Wed Dec 10 2008

howdy-ho.. my colleagues and i are massive fans of Regular Strength DIETER'S NUTRI-SLIM TEA (no Senna). various cramps, emotional issues and inconvenient 'pit stops' but this s#*@t gets the job done big time. happy brewing.

   Tue Dec 16 2008

If you are taking Regular Strength DIETER'S NUTRI-SLIM TEA then it does contain Senna.Read the whole 'NOTIC' section, right below the Ingredients. Take care.

Jeannie   Tue Jan 13 2009

Funny, I read ALL of these posts and I'm still confused about the ingredient"Senna". It appears that some folks are saying its harmful, but in what way is it harmful??? Liver problems? Kidney problems? Colon damage? Stomach problems? What????

leslee-Anne   Sat Jan 24 2009

I just started drinking bamboo leaf brand true slim tea Regular strength dieter's II, but it doesn't say it has senna. The box just says:Malva Verticellato and All natural oriental herbs.My cramps felt more like contractions than just a normal cramp, and on the second day, I woke up with a swollen face, does anyone know whether it makes you retain water?

Moose   Mon Feb 9 2009

Okay just came from China Town in Chicago and bought 3 Ballerina Tea and has Malva verticellata and Senna. Is this bad? Haven't started taking yet I really want to loose weight.

k   Mon Mar 2 2009

This explains everything: http://www.hemorrhoidshemroids.com/stimulant-laxatives-constipation-hemroids-hemorrhoids.html

Katara   Tue Apr 21 2009

I have been using and love Herbal Trim Tea since I was 13. The taste is so...strong, but a great laxative it really helps cleaning me out, and with weight loss.

   Fri Apr 24 2009

J Moose, I've just read the whole list of comments in this blog and Senna is in fact a very strong laxative that is not recommendable because it could cause real damage to your colon. Most people say the best way to proceed is taking Malva Verticillata by itself, no other components or herbs, and not as an addictive drink.

   Mon Apr 27 2009

I had a tough time drinking Dieter's Nutra-Slim Tea. Took it the first day, lots of BMs and some cramps. Then took it the 2nd day and woke up at 4am with horrible abdominal cramping every half hour. Diahrrhea too, thoughout the day. I am never drinking this again! Watch out!

Africanqueen   Thu Apr 30 2009

I want to know if the True Slim tea that they sell at the chinese shop here in South Afica is the real thing or what? The tea does work I mean u run to the toilet every 2 hours which i think its good if u are like me with a bad digestive system. I will put the tea to test for a month to see if I do lose weight..I want to lose 15kg

Peter Yen   Sun May 17 2009

Hey Everyone~! You all got to try "MS. HWA'S HERBAL TEA". It works with all the benefits and it's the best tasting compared to all the others mentioned above. It is calamansi flavor. It is bottled ready to consume, so it's easy to mark how much you have consumed. It's in a bottle, but I just drink half a bottle a day and then the other half the next day. I get to drink the exact amount that's good for me. As for my friend, she drinks the full bottle. It's just wonderful and saves time. DOES NOT CONTAIN SENNA. It contains no caffeine or preservatives. You can drink it chilled or hot. It contains detail information. It's the most conveniently made. YOU GOT TO FIND IT AND TRY IT~!! Most important, IT IS REGISTERED WITH USFDA~!! Try and find THAT on another tea.. YOU WANT SAFE..THIS IS SAFE. Best that I've tried, and I definitely recommend everyone to try it. You can order it online.

discoverherbaltea.com YOU WANT SAFE..THIS IS SAFE~!!

DANI   Tue Jun 2 2009

I tried using the nutraslim tea. it works perfect. Take it at night before you sleep. during the day, reuse the tea bag 2 times. It helped in my weight loss. No side effects.

daynadanie   Fri Jun 26 2009

First I want to thank you SO much for this forum. I starting drinking this tea Malva-T about 2-3 weeks ago. It did exactly what I wanted, it helped me get rid of waste that was 'in transit' which happens to me occasionally when I diet. I would get the stomach aches but they were for 2 min and I thought wtv, if you gotta poop.. cramps happen. After reading up on this forum, I learned about senna and it's toxicity. I thought I wasn't using senna until this forum! I re-read my ingredients and it was 100% malva verticillata and 100% cassia augustifolia or wtv. I freaked out and stopped using the tea IMMEDIATELY. To make matters worse, the store I purchased this from told me there was no senna because they too were unaware of it's other names and I could drink this tea daily! Thank you all for the information. I do not want spots in my colon, clubbed fingers or dependency thank you very much! Now I bought this new loose tea - it contains malva verticillata, althaea officinalis (marsh mallow), spearmint and fennel. What do you think? Can I drink this daily? Toxic effects? So far I've read that it the ingredients are not harmful and are healthy for you. Is this true?

nellie ripoll   Mon Jul 6 2009

I have been drinking this brand "green leaf" tea w/c contains malva veticellata, ginseng & natural herbs. It is doing me good as I have do my BM on a regular basis. Would let me know if it is safe to continue drinking this tea once a day w/c I have now been on for almost a year. Your comments would be appreciated.......nellie

   Thu Aug 20 2009

Hi I have been drinking regrular strenght dieters nutri slim tea on and off for 3 years and everytime when a have it i have a stomak pain, on the box ingrediehnts are malva verticellata (chinese high mallow) all natural oriental herb i wont to know if this tea has senna. thank u

loosing weight   Wed Aug 26 2009

thanks for all the info..i just start dringking this 3 ballerina about 3 days now i still have cramping but...i think i jst need to drink it when i eat too much to help clean my system ha...

   Thu Oct 29 2009

I have always had constipation and when I started taking Green Leaf Brand special D tea, I am consistant with BMs and am not bloated . Great stuff.

Smile   Tue Nov 10 2009

i just had my first drink of dieters' green tea yesterday morning. it tasted very plain. didn't have any effect until late at night, i was having stomach pain and using the bathroom very often. and i feel hungry the next day since i been in the restroom for quit a while. but the next day i feel lighter and refresh and didn't have anymore of the cramps and upset stomach until late that night again. (and again i was hungry again) right after using the eating i made another cup but with lots of water to brew it and make it weaker. so i'm waiting for the results... is there anyone who had tried this product for a while and what do u think? the one i used is called dieters' green tea and it has only malva verticellata and loquat leaf. 100% natural.

marie davis   Mon Dec 7 2009

Relax: Dec 06, 2009 I've been using dieters' green tea ORIENTAL for seven years now, listed ingredients are Marva Verticellata and Loquat Leaf. I only had a problem if I dranked it during the day so I only take one cup before bedtime, one or two bags in 8oz H2O depends on the type of food consumed. I don't drink this every day, but i use it often and don't have a problem and no side effects.

Jean   Fri Jan 22 2010

Using a laxative, natural or not, for weight loss is not a plan, it's an eating disorder.

   Oct 12 2011 12:00AM

Is Malwa sylvestris an edible species.Web pages have conflicting views.Please let us know ur info on the subject AR

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Subject : Malva verticillata  
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