Our grateful thanks to those who have donated recently to help keep our revenues healthy. This has enabled us to continue to extend and enhance our plants database, and we will soon launch our latest reference book – on plants for food forests in Mediterranean climates. Please continue to support PFAF throughout 2025. More >>>

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Plants For A Future

Database Plant Search Page:

Edible, Medicinal and other uses of over 8,000 plants

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Common or botanical Name or Family. If you are unsure of the spelling of a plant or would like a more detailed website search, please use the search box at the top of the page.

Alphabetically: Latin names & Common names, Family, Habitate
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** Less is more! The fewer conditions specified the more plant will be returned. Help with these terms
Edible Rating
Minor 1    2    3    4    5    Great
Medicinal Rating
Minor 1    2    3    4    5    Great
Edible Uses
Medicinal Uses
Other Uses
Special Uses
Inc. Food Forest, Nitrogen Fixer, Hedge, Coppice ...
The Carbon Farming Solution Read More
Currently mainly warmer climates. More plants added soon.
Non-destructive management systems.
Staple Crop
Staple Crop
Food that is eaten routinely and accounts for a dominant part of people's diets.
Industrial Crop.
Industrial Crop
Crops grown for non-food uses (materials, chemicals, and energy).
Agroforestry Services
Agroforestry Services
Agriculture incorporating the cultivation of trees and shrubs.
Food for cattle and other livestock.
Edible Parts
** Choose one only
** Choose one only
Hardiness PFAF UK
How hardy is it on a scale from 1 - 10. One will survive arctic winters, ten is tropical. Cornwall is about eight, but can grow some plants from zone nine. Most of Britain is zone seven, going down to zone six in the north and four in the mountains.
Hardiness USDA
USDA hardiness zone: a geographically defined area in which a specific category of plant life is capable of growing, as defined by climatic conditions, including its ability to withstand the minimum temperatures of the zone. For Example, a plant that is described as "hardy to zone 10" means that the Plant can withstand a minimum temperature of -1 C(30 F). A more resilient plant that is "Hardy to zone 9" can tolerate a minimum temperature of -7 C(19 F). More>>
Growth Rate
Full Shade: deep woodland, a north-facing wall etc; Semi Shade: light woodland, a position that is shaded for part of the day etc; No Shade: is unshaded positions.
Tolerates Pollution
Frost Tender
Flowering times and types
Month :     Jan     Feb     Mar    Apr    May   June   July    Aug    Sept    Oct    Nov    Dec
In Leaf :
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Seed ripens:
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General Disclaimer

To the best of our knowledge all the information contained herein is accurate and true.

However we cannot guarantee that everyone will react positively to all edible plants or other plant uses.

It is commonly known that many people suffer allergic reactions to conventional foods and products. Even amongst the more commonly eaten fruits, for example, there are plenty of instances where people react badly to them:
  • Many people are allergic to strawberries and will come out in a rash if they eat them.
  • Some people develop a rash if they touch the stems of parsnips.
  • Potatoes become poisonous if they turn green.
  • Eating large quantities of cabbage can adversely affect the thyroid gland.
In general, we believe that the overall health of people will be greatly improved by bringing more diversity into their diet and through using more natural products.

We strongly recommend the following preventative precautions when trying anything new:
  • Make sure you have identified the plant correctly
  • Try a small taste of anything new in your diet. If there are no side effects increase the quantity at the next meal.
  • When trying new soaps or skin applications try them on a very small area before proceeding to larger areas of the body. Look for any uncomfortable reactions or changes and if there is do not proceed with further application.
No liability exists against Plants for a Future or any member of Plants for a Future, nor can they be held responsible for any allergy, illness or injurious effect that any person or animal may suffer as a result of information in this catalogue or through using any of the plants mentioned by Plants for a Future.
© 2010-2025, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.