Hyssop is a small evergreen shrub in the mint family growing to 0.6m (2ft) and native to Southern Europe and the Middle East.

Is Hyssop Edible?
The leaves, young shoot tips and flowers have an intensely aromatic flavour, somewhat like a cross between sage and mint. Eat them raw in salads or as a flavouring in soups. Hyssop is commonly used as an edging plant or groundcover in the herb garden. It is a good companion plant to grow with grapes.
The attractive blooms are suitable for cut or dried flowers. The root pattern is fibrous, dividing into many fine roots.
Propagation: Seed. Cuttings of semi-hardwood in summer. Cuttings of softwood in spring. Division in spring or autumn.
Other Uses
• Self-fertile • Ground cover • Wildlife Hedge • Scented • Companion
Family: Lamiaceae / Labiatae
Known Hazards: Volatile oil can cause convulsions. Avoid using with epilepsy or fits. Diarrhoea and indigestion are rare.
Habitats: Old walls and buildings, stony places[9, 17]. Dry hills and rock ledges to 2200 metres in Turkey.
Edibility Rating: 2
Other Uses: 5
Weed Potential: None Known
Medicinal Rating: 3
More on Hyssop | Hyssopus officinalis in the PFAF Database