Amelanchier stolonifera
Dry acid rocky or sandy open habitats. Love
Dry acid rocky or sandy open habitats. Love
Thickets, woodland edges and banks of streams in moist well-drained soils. Small bushy forms grow on fairly dry hillsides. Love
Peaty or boggy thickets, sphagnum bogs, bushy and mountain slopes to the sub-alpine zone. Love
Swamps, low ground, woods and thickets. Grows in woods and hedgerows in Britain. Love
Possibly no longer found in its original wild habitat, it is naturalized in S. England on sandy heaths and damp acid woods. Love
Fields and roadsides. Open scrub. Love
Moist lowlands, such as swamps, and along ponds and streams where it forms thickets. Love
Found in a variety of habitats on plains and gentle slopes, frequently in sandy soils along watercourses; also on stony ridges and coastal dunes; at elevations up to 750 metres. Love
Acacia-dominated scrubs and tall open shrubland, often developing dense, nearly monotypic populations along dry, stony or sandy drainage lines in disturbed sites such as road verges, gravel pits and burnt areas, growing in a variety of soil types. It occurs…