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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Achyranthes japonicaJapanese Chaff Flower03
Aconitum koreanumKorean Monk's Hood10
Astragalus membranaceusHuang Qi05
Chamaelirium luteumBlazing Star - Unicorn Root - Devil's Bit, Fairywand03
Ligusticum porteriPorter's Licorice Root13
Magnolia denudataLily Tree, Yulan Magnolia12
Mentha pulegiumPennyroyal33
Packera aureaGolden Groundsel - Life Root, Golden ragwort02
Paeonia emodi 12
Peganum harmalaSyrian Rue, Harmal peganum13
Serenoa repensSaw Palmetto23
Trichosanthes kirilowiiChinese Cucumber24
Trichosanthes kirilowii japonica 33
Trillium erectumBeth Root - Indian Balm, Red trillium, Wakerobin, Purple Trillium23
Ananas comosusPineapple52
Annona muricataSour Sop43
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