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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Anemarrhena asphodeloidesZhi Mu03
Angelica decursiva 22
Borago officinalisBorage, Common borage,Cool-tankard, Tailwort33
Celtis australisNettle Tree, European hackberry32
Hemiptelea davidii 21
Hordeum vulgareBarley, Common barley43
Juncus effususSoft Rush, Common rush, Lamp rush, Pacific rush12
Medicago lupulinaBlack Medick21
Polygonatum sibiricumHuang Jing22
Prunus japonicaKorean Cherry, Japanese bush cherry33
Prunus japonica nakaiJapanese Plum33
Schisandra chinensisMagnolia Vine, Wu Wei Zi45
Schisandra sphenanthera 25
Sesamum indicumSesame33
Thuja orientalisBiota13
Ulmus pumilaSiberian Elm, Hybrid elm22
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