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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Acacia leucophloeaKuteera-Gum, White-barked acacia.21
Acacia salignaBlue-Leaved Wattle, Orange wattle10
Adenanthera pavoninaRed Sandalwood, Coral Tree32
Bauhinia thonningiiCamel's foot tree, monkey bread32
Caesalpinia digynaTeri pods, Udakiryaka22
Cassia fistulaGolden Shower, Purging Cassia, Golden Chain Tree, Indian Laburnum14
Cassia grandisCoral shower, Horse Cassia12
Ceratonia siliquaCarob, St. john's bread32
Enterolobium cyclocarpumDevil's Ear. Earpod tree22
Erythrina edulisBalu. Andean tree bean32
Faidherbia albidaWhite Acacia. White-thorn. Apple ring acacia12
Gleditsia triacanthosHoney Locust32
Newtonia buchananiiEast African Newtonia, Forest Newtonia02
Parkia biglobosaAfrican Locust Bean42
Parkinsonia aculeataJerusalem Thorn32
Pithecellobium dulceManila Tamarind, Madras Thorn42
Prosopis africanaPau Carvão. Mesquite. Iron tree22
Prosopis albaWhite carob tree, Algarrobo blanco32
Prosopis chilensisChilean algarrobo, Chilean mesquite20
Prosopis cinerariaJandi, Ghaf32
Prosopis glandulosaHoneypod mesquite. Glandular mesquite32
Prosopis pallidaAlgaroba22
Prosopis tamarugoTamarugo10
Samanea samanRain Tree, False Powder Puff, Monkey Pod32
Saraca asocaAsoka Tree. Sorrow-less Tree03
Senegalia senegalGum Arabic32
Senna singueanaWinter cassia, Sticky pod23
Vachellia niloticaGum Arabic Tree22
Vachellia seyalShittim Wood22
Vachellia tortilisUmbrella Thorn22
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