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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Atriplex canescensGrey Sage Brush, Fourwing saltbush41
Carpobrotus acinaciformisHottentot Fig20
Carpobrotus aequilaterusSea Fig20
Carpobrotus deliciosusSweet Hottentot Fig20
Carpobrotus edulisHottentot Fig,22
Erica cerinthoidesFire Heath10
Eriodictyon trichocalyxHairy Yerba Santa11
Glycyrrhiza uralensisGan Cao34
Larix kaempferiJapanese Larch00
Myoporum insulareBoobyalla10
Atriplex nummulariaGiant Saltbush, Bluegreen saltbush32
Borassus aethiopumAfrican Fan Palm, Palmyra Palm42
Byrsonima crassifoliaGolden Spoon, Nance, Nancy Tree42
Parinari curatellifoliaMbola, Grys Appel42
Phoenix dactyliferaDate Palm52
Tarchonanthus camphoratusCamphor Bush, Wild Camphor Bush13
Rhodomyrtus tomentosaCeylon Hill Gooseberry41
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