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Search for: Morus
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Morus albaWhite Mulberry, Common Mulberry,Moraceae 43
Morus alba multicaulisWhite MulberryMoraceae 43
Morus australisKorean Mulberry, Aino MulberryMoraceaeM. acidosa. M. alba stylosa. M. indica. non L. M. stylosa.22
Morus bombycisKuwaMoraceae 22
Morus cathayanaHua SangMoraceae 20
Morus macrouraHimalayan MulberryMoraceaeM. cuspidata. Wallich. M. laevigata. Wallich.21
Morus mesozygiaAfrican mulberryMoraceaeCeltis lactea Sim Morus lactea (Sim) Mildbr.23
Morus microphyllaTexas MulberryMoraceae 20
Morus mongolicaMongolian MulberryMoraceaeM. alba mongolica.21
Morus nigraBlack MulberryMoraceae 53
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