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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Catharanthus roseusMadagascar Periwinkle, Jasmine, Cayenne Old Maid Periwinkle14
Coix lacryma-jobiJob's Tears33
Aesculus sppHorse chestnut44
Chenopodium spp.Perennial quinoa53
Cycas spp.Cycas, Sago Palm22
Encephalartos spp.Bread trees, Bread palms, Kaffir bread10
Fagopyrum spp.Perennial Buckwheat43
Glycine spp.Perennial Soybean43
Macrozamia spp.Burrawang, Cycads20
Microcycas calocomaPalma corcho00
Zamia sppZamia cycads. Pine cone cycad20
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