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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Albizia julibrissinMimosa, Silktree, Mimosa Tree,22
Cajanus cajanPigeon Pea, Puerto Rico Bean, Gandul, Dhal, Congo Pea42
Calliandra calothyrsusRed Calliandra, Powderpuff, Kaliandra00
Maclura pomiferaOsage Orange, Bois D'Arc12
Morus albaWhite Mulberry, Common Mulberry,43
Ricinus communisCastor-Oil Plant, Castorbean, Palma Christi, Wonder Tree, Castor Oil Plant14
Jatropha curcasPhysic Nut, Barbados Nut23
Metroxylon saguSago Palm40
Pithecellobium dulceManila Tamarind, Madras Thorn42
Terminalia catappaIndian Almond, Tropical Almond Tree42
Colophospermum mopaneRhodesian ironwood, Rhodesian mahogany12
Ficus elasticaRubber Plant. India Rubber Tree22
Ficus racemosaCluster Fig32
Schleichera oleosaMalay Lac Tree. Lac tree, Ceylon oak32
Samanea samanRain Tree, False Powder Puff, Monkey Pod32
Acacia catechuCutch tree, Catechu acacia12
Nopalea cochenilliferaCochineal plant.22
Opuntia dilleniiDillen prickly pear, 30
Opuntia tomentosaVelvet prickly pear, Woollyjoint Pricklypear30
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