Checklist of plants suitable for hedging and windbreaks.

A more readable version is also available. The data here is TAB-deliminated to allow it to be imported into a database.

Botanical name	Common name	Deciduous/Evergreen	Height	Growth rate	Hardiness	Wind	Notes

Acer campestre	Field Maple	D	M-T	M	4		Most soils. Leaves preserve fruit. Medicinal. 
Ailanthus altissima	Tree of heaven	D	T	F	6		Tolerates most soils and conditions including pollution. Insect repellant, medicinal, soil stabilization, yellow dye. Leaves are said to be edible but slightly toxic. 
Alnus glutinosa	Alder	D	M-T	F	3	M	Prefers a moist soil. Ink , dyes, tannin, medicinal. 
Amelanchier canadensis	Juneberry	D	M-T	M-F	4	W	Moist well drained lime free soil, sunny position. Edible fruit. 
Arundo donax	Giant reed	Grass	M-T	F	6		Moist soil esp by water. Edible rhizome. Basketry, plant supports, erosion control, medicinal. 
Atriplex canescens	Salt bush	E	M-T	M	7	M	Well drained soil in full sun. Resists fire. Edible leaves-salty. Edible seed. 
Atriplex halimus	Salt bush	E	M	M	8	M	As above. 
Aucuba japonica	Spotted laurel	E	M	M	7	M	Most soils sun or shade. Tolerates smoke. Leaves are said to be a famine food. 

Baccharis halimifolia	Bush groundsel	D	M-T 	M	5	M	Any soil. 
Baccharis patagonica		E	M	S-M	8	M	Any soil
Bambusa multiplex	Bamboo	E	M-T 	M	9		Rich moist soil, sheltered position. Edible shoots. Fibre for paper. 
Berberis amurensis	Barberry	D	M	M	6		Most soils
Berberis darwinii	Barberry	E	M	S-M	7	M	Most soils. Edible fruit. Yellow dye, medicinal. 
Berberis gagnepainii	Barberry	E	M	S-M	5		Most soils. 
Berberis soulieana	Barberry	E	M	M	6		Most soils. 
Berberis x stenophylla	Barberry	E	M	S-M	5	M	Most soils. Edible fruit. 
Berberis thunbergii	Barberry	D	M	M	4		Most soils. Edible fruit and leaves, not at all nice. Yellow dye, medicinal. 
Berberis verruculosa	Barberry	E	M	S-M	5		Most soils. 
Berberis vulgaris	Common barberry	D	M	M	3		Most soils. Alternate host of black stem rust of cereals. Edible fruit, tea. 
Bupleurum fruticosum		E	M	M	7	M	Well drained soil. 
Bursaria spinosa	Christmas bush	E	M	S	8		Well drained moisture retentive soil. Used in suntan lotions to protect from U. V. light. 
Buxus sempervirens	Box	E	S-T	S	5		Most soils, sun or semi shade. Resists honey fungus. Medicinal. 

Ceasalpinia decapetala		D	M	S	8		Sheltered sunny position in well drained soil. Tannin, medicinal. 
Callistemon citrinus	Bottlebrush	E	M	M	9		Sheltered position. Tea. Tan & cinnamon dyes.  C. sieberi &  C. viridiflorus can also be used. 
Calluna vulgaris	Ling	E	S	S	4		Dry acid soil, sunny position. Basketry, thatching, brooms, yellow dye, tea, medicinal, fuel. 
Caragana arborescens	Siberian pea shrub	D	M-T	M	2		Sunny position, well drained soil. Edible seed and young pods cooked. Erosion control, dye. 
Caragana brevispina		D	M	M	6		Sunny position, well drained soil. Edible seed, cooked. Erosion control. 
Carpinus betulus	Hornbeam	D	M-T	M	5		Most soils. Yellow dye, medicinal. 
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus	Blueblossom	E	M-T	F	8	M	Sunny position. Slow to establish. Soap from flowers, green dye. 
Cedrus libani atlantica	Atlas cedar	E	T	M	5		Most soils. Medicinal. 
Celastrus orbiculatus	Bittersweet	D	T	M	4		Deep rich loamy soil. Edible young leaves-cooked. Medicinal. 
Chaenomeles speciosa	Japanese quince	D	M	M	5		Most soils, sun or semi shade. Edible fruit. Medicinal. 
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana	Lawsons Cypress	E	T	F	6	W	Most soils. Resin
Choisya ternata	Mexican orange	D	M-T	M	7		Light soils. 
Colletia armata		D	M-T	S	8	M	Sandy well drained soil, sun or light shade. 
Cornus mas	Cornelian cherry	D	T	M	5		Most soils sunny position. Edible fruit. Oil, dye. 
Cornus sanguinea	Dogwood	D	M-T	M	5		Most soils. Oil, basketry, grey-blue dye. The fruit is said to be edible but you are welcome to it!
Corokia x. virgata		E	M-T	M	8		Most soils, well drained. 
Corylus avellana	Hazel nut	D	M-T	M	4		Most soils. Edible seed, oil. Basketry, wood polish, hurdles. Named varieties can also be used. 
Corylus maxima	Filbert	D	M-T	M	4		As above. 
Cotoneaster spp. 	Cotoneaster	E	M-T	M	5-7		Most soils. Several species can be used inc;-  C. "Cornubia",  C. divaricatus,  C. franchetii,  C. frigidus,  C. glaucophyllus,  C. lacteus,  C. simonsii &  C. wardii. 
Crataegus monogyna	Hawthorn	D	M-T	M-F	5	M	Most soils. Edible fruit, young shoots. Tea, coffee, medicinal. Also  C. laevigata,  C. mollis,  C. sanguinea, &  C. submollis. 
Cupressocyparis leylandii	Leyland cypress	E	T	F	7	M	Most soils. 
Cupressus macrocarpa	Monterey cypress	E	T	F	8	M	Most soils but not shallow. Var. "Lutea" is hardier. 

Drimys lanceolata	Mountain pepper	E	M-T	S-M	8		Semi shade. Dioecious. Fruit is a pepper substitute. Medicinal. 

Elaeagnus angustifolius	Oleaster	D	M-T	M-F	2	W	Prefers well drained soils. Resists drought and honey fungus. Fixes nitrogen. Edible fruit. Gum. 
Elaeagnus commutata	Silverberry	D	M	M	2	M	Light soil, sunny position. Resists drought and honey fungus. Fixes nitrogen. Edible fruit. Fibre. 
Elaeagnus x. ebbingei		E	M-T	M-F	6	M	Best in not too rich a soil, tolerates shade. Fixes nitrogen. Edible fruit, produced in April/May. 
Elaeagnus glabra		E	M-T 	M	8	M	Most soils, fixes nitrogen. Very shade tolerant, will eventually climb into trees. Edible fruit. 
Elaeagnus macrophylla		E	M-T	M	8	M	As  E. glabra. 
Elaeagnus multiflora	Goumi	D	M-T	M	6	M	As  E. angustifolius. Tolerates air pollution. 
Elaeagnus pungens		E	M-T	M	7	M	As  E. glabra. 
Elaeagnus x. reflexa		E	M-T	M	7	M	As  E. glabra. 
Elaeagnus umbellata		D	M-T	M	3	M	As  E. angustifolius. Edible fruit and seed. 
E. u. parviflora		D	M-T	M	3	M	As above but said to have a superior fruit. 
Eleutherococcus sieboldiana		D	M-T	M	4		Well drained humus rich soil, sunny position. Tolerates urban pollution. Edible leaves. Tea. 
Erica x. darleyensis	Heather	E	S	M	6		Prefers a light peaty soil but tolerates chalk. 
Erica x. veitchii	Heather	E	S-M	M	8		Light peaty soil. 
Escallonia spp. 	Escallonia	E	M-T	F	7-9	M	Sunny, most soils. Many forms incl:-  E. "Alice",  E. "Apple blossom",  E. " C. F. Ball",  E. compacta coccinea,  E. "Crimson spire",  E. "Donard gem",  E. "Donard seedling",  E. "Edinensis",  E. x. exoniensis,  E. "Glasnevin hybrid",  E. "Ingrami",  E. "Iveyi",  E. laevis,  E. "Langleyense",  E. "Pink pearl",  E. "Pride of donard",  E. pulverulenta,  E. "Red hedger",  E. rosea,  E. rubra macrantha,  E. "St. Keverne",  E. "Slieve donard",  E. "William Watson". 
Eucryphia lucida	Leatherwood	E	M-T	M	8		Most soils preferably lime-free. Dislikes cold winds. Sun or semi-shade. Medicinal. 
Eucryphia x. nymensensis		E	M-T	M	7		Most soils preferably lime-free. Dislikes cold winds. Full sun only if soil is moist. 
Euonymous alatus	Spindle	D	M	M	3		Most soils if well drained. Medicinal, tea. Edible leaves and fruit???I have my doubts on this report. 
Euonymous fortunei		E	S	M	5		Most soils sun or shade. 
Euonymous japonicus	Japanese Spindle	E	M-T	M-F	7	M	Well drained soil, sun or shade. Hosts sugar beet fly. Rubber from root and stems. 

Fagus sylvatica	Beech	D	M-T	S-M	5	W	Most soils except heavy and wet. Edible young leaves, seed and oil. Medicinal. 
Forsythia x. intermedia		D	M-T	M	5		Well drained preferably rich soil. 
Fuchsia magellanica	Fuchsia	D	M-T	M	6	M	Most soils. Often cut back to base in cold winters. Var. "Ricartonii"is hardier. Dye, medicinal. 

Garrya elliptica		E	M-T	M	8	M	Most well drained soils, not rich. Resents root disturbance. Grey to black dye, medicinal. 
Gaultheria mucronata		E	S	M	6		Light peaty acid soil, sunny position. Edible fruit?
Genista hispanica	Spanish gorse	D	S	M	6		Sunny position in dry not rich soils. Resents root disturbance. 
Griselinia littoralis		E	M-T	M	7	M	Light rich soil, chalk tolerant. Edible fruit with a bitter flavour. 

Hakea sericea		E	M	M	9	W	Moist well drained soil. Gum-similar to gum tragacanth. 
Hebe brachysiphon		E	S-M	M	7		Sunny, well drained. 
Hebe dieffenbachii		E	S-M	M	9		Sunny, well drained. 
Hebe x. franciscana		E	S-M	M	7	M	Light well drained soil on poor side, chalk tolerant. 
Hebe speciosa		E	S-M	M	7	M	As above. 
Helichrysum italicum	Curry plant	E	S	M	8	W	Well drained soil, sunny position. Leaves a flavouring. 
Hibiscus syriacus	Mallow	D	M	M	5		Most well drained soils, sunny position. Edible leaves, flowers, oil. Tea, fibre, hair shampoo. 
Hippophae rhamnoides	Sea buckthorn	D	M-T	M	3	M	Most soils, sunny position. Fixes nitrogen. Edible fruit, very acid. Dyes, medicinal. 
Hydrangea macrophylla	Hydrangea	D	M	M	5		Well drained moist soil. 
Hydrangea serrata	Hydrangea	D	M	M	6		Well drained moist soil. Edible leaves, sweet in ssp. amagiana and thunbergii. 
Hymenanthera dentata		E	M-T	M	9		Well drained. Purple dye. 
Hypericum forrestii		D	S-M	M	5		Most soils. 
Hypericum patulum		E	S	M	6		Most soils. 
Hyssopus officinalis	Hyssop	E	S	M	3		Prefers light dry calcareous soil and a sunny position. Flavouring. Tea, medicinal. 

Ilex x. altaclarensis	Holly	E	M-T	S	6	M	Most soils. 
Ilex aquifolium	Holly	E	M-T	S	6	M	Most soils, not dry. Full sun to heavy shade. Medicinal. 

Laurus nobilis	Bay tree	E	M	S	8		Well drained fertile soil in full sun. Flavouring. 
Lavandula angustifolia	Lavender	E	S	M	5	M	Light dry warm soil, sunny position. Flavouring. Insect repellent, essential oil, medicinal. 
Lavandula latifolia	Lavender	E	S	M	7	M	As above. 
Leptospermum laevigatum		E	M-T	M	9	M	Most soils. Sand binder. 
Leptospermum scoparium	Tea tree	E	M-T	M	8	W	Most soils. Tea, green dye, insect repellent. 
Ligustrum delavayanum		E	M-T	M	7		Most soils, sun or shade. 
Ligustrum lucidum	Chinese privet	E	M-T	M	7		Most soils, tolerates shade and drought. Medicinal. 
Ligustrum ovalifolium	Privet	E	M-T	M	5	M	Most soils, sun or shade. 
Ligustrum vulgare	Privet	D	M	M	4	M	Most soils, tolerates drought and shade. Basketry, ink dyes, medicinal. 
Lonicera nitida		E	S-M	M-F	7		Most soils. 
Lonicera xylosteum		D	M-T	M	3		Most soils. 
Luma apiculata	Temu	E	M-T	S-M	8	W	Most well drained soils. Edible fruit. 
Lycium barbarum	Boxthorn	E	M	S-M	6	M	Sunny position, well drained soil. Edible fruit and shoots. Medicinal. 
Lycium chinense	Boxthorn	E	M	S-M	6	M	As above. 

Maclura pommifera	Osage orange	D	M-T	M	5	W	Most soils, sunny position. Food preservative, insect repellent, tannin, yellow dye. 
Mahonia aquifolia	Oregon grape	E	S-M	M	5		Most soils, sun or heavy shade. Edible fruit, dyes, medicinal. 
Mahonia trifoliolata		E	M	S-M	7		Most soils preferably hot and dry. Edible fruit. Dyes, ink, tannin. 
Metasequoia glyptostroboides		D	T	M-F	6		Most soils but slow in dry sandy soils or shallow chalk. Soil stabilization. 
Miscanthus sacchariflorus		Grass	M-T	M-F	8	M	Most soils, not dry. Dies down in winter. 
Muehlenbeckia complexa	Maidenhair vine	D	M-T	M	8	M	Well drained soil in sun or semi-shade. Dioecious. Edible fruit. 
Myrtus communis	Myrtle	E	M-T	S-M	8	W	Most well drained soils. Flavouring. Essential oil, medicinal. 

Olearia spp. 	Daisy bush	E	M-T	M	8	M	Most soils. Many species incl;-  O. aviceniifolia,  O.  x. haastii,  O. illicifolia,  O. macrodonta,  O. solandri,  O. traversii and  O. virgata. 
Orixa japonica		D	M	M	6	W	Any soil, sun or shade. Edible young leaves-spicy. 
Osmanthus x. burkwoodii		E	M-T	S	6		Most soils esp chalk. Other species include:- O. decorus,  O. delavayi and  O. heterophyllus. 

Paliurus spina-christi	Christ`s thorn	D	M-T	M	8		Most well drained soils, full sun. 
Perovskia atriplicifolia		D	S-M		6	M	Well drained soils including chalk. Sunny position. 
Philadelphus coronarius	Mock orange	D	M	M	5		Most soils incl chalk. Sunny. Also:-  P. delavayi,  P. pubescens,  P. purpurascens &  P.  x. virginalis. 
Phillyrea latifolia		E	M-T	S	7	M	Most soils. Edible fruit?Medicinal. 
Phormium tenax	New Zealand Flax	E	M-T	M	8	M	Most soils, preferably moist. Edible gum, nectar. Fibre, basketry, glue, dyes, tannin, coffee sub. 
Photinia davidiana		E	M-T	F	8		Fertile well drained soil in a sheltered sunny position. 
Photinia x. fraseri		E	T	M	8		As above. Succeeds on chalk. 
Pittosporum crassifolium	Karo	E	M-T	M	9	M	Most soils. Dark blue dye, saponins. Soil stabilization. 
Pittosporum ralphii		E	M-T	M	9	M	Most soils. 
Pittosporum tenuifolium	Kohuhu	E	M-T	M	9	M	Most soils. Edible gum. Foliage in flower arranging. 
Pittosporum tobira	Tobira	E	S	M	9		Well drained soil, sun or semi-shade. 
Pittosporum undulatum	Cheesewood	E	M-T	M	9	M	Most soils. 
Pleioblastus hindsii	Bamboo	E	M-T	M	7		Most soils, not dry. Prefers shade. Edible young shoots. Plant supports. 
Pleioblastus simonii	Medake	E	M-T	M-F	6	M	As above. 
Poncirus trifoliata	Bitter orange	E	M-T	M	5		Most soils, sunny position. Edible fruit-a conserve. Medicinal. 
Potentilla fruticosa	Cinquefoil	D	S	M	5		Most soils, preferably light, well drained. Tea, tinder, soil stabilization. 
Prinsepia utilis		D	M-T	M	5		Light soil, sunny position. Edible fruit, oil. Medicinal. 
Prumnopitys andina	Plum-fruited yew	E	M-T	S-M	8		Most soils, sheltered position. Edible fruit-tastes like a grape. Edible seed. 
Prunus caroliniana	Laurel cherry	E	M	M	7		Well drained soil in sun or shade. Edible fruit. 
Prunus cerasifera	Cherry plum	D	T	M-F	4	W	Well drained, preferably with chalk. Sunny. Edible fruit. 
Prunus cerasus	Sour cherry	D	T	M-F	3		Most well drained soils, preferably acid. Edible fruit, oil, gum. Tea. 
Prunus x. cistena		D	M	M	3		Well drained soils including chalk, sunny position. 
Prunus incisa	Fuji cherry	D	M-T	M	6		Well drained soils including chalk, sunny position. 
Prunus insititia	Damson	D	T 	M	5	W	Most soils incl chalky, sunny position. Edible fruit. Medicinal. 
Prunus laurocerasus 	Cherry laurel	E	T	M	7	W	Most soils, dislikes shallow chalk. Shade tolerant. Edible fruit if fully ripe. Almond flavouring. 
Prunus lusitanica	Portuguese laurel	E	T	M	7		Most soils, sun or shade. Susceptible to silver leaf disease. 
Prunus spinosa	Sloe	D	M-T	M	4	M	Most well drained soils. Edible fruit-very acid. Ink, tea, dye medicinal. 
Pseudosasa japonica	Bamboo	E	T	M	6	M	Most soils. Edible young shoots. Plant supports, medicinal. 
Pyracantha spp. 	Firethorn	E	M-T	M	6-8	W	Most soils. Susceptible to fireblight. Species include:-  P. coccinea,  P. rogersiana,  P. "Wateri". 

Quercus ilex	Holm oak	E	T	S-M	7	M	Most soils except cold poorly drained. Edible seed, oil. Slug repellent, tannin. 
Quercus petraea	Oak	D	T	S-M	4	M	Most soils. Edible seed-coffee substitute. Slug repellent, tannin. 
Quercus robor	Oak	D	T	S-M	6	M	As above. 

Rhamnus alaternus		E	M	M	7		Well drained
Rhamnus catharticus	Buckthorn	D	M-T	M	3		Most soils preferably calcareous. Primary host of Oat crown rust. Dyes, medicinal. 
Rhamnus dahuricus		D	M-T	M	5		Most soils. Tea, dye. 
Rhamnus frangula	Alder buckthorn	D	M-T	M	6		Moist fairly fertile soil, sun or part shade. Dyes, medicinal. 
Rhaphiolepis umbellata		E	M-T	M	8		Most well drained soils, sheltered position. Edible seed, a famine food. Brown dye. 
Rhododendron spp. 	Rhododendron	E	M-T 	M	5-7		Lime free peaty well drained soil. Species incl:-  R. lutescens,  R. luteum,  R. ponticum. 
Ribes sanguineum	Flowering currant	D	M-T	M	6	M	Most soils. Edible fruit-can store 2 months but that does not make it any nicer!
Rosa acicularis		D	M	M	2		Most soils. Edible fruit, young shoots. Tea
Rosa glauca	Red leaved rose	D	M	M-F	2	W	Most soils
Rosa macrophylla		D	M-T	M-F	7		Most soils. Edible fruit. 
Rosa multiflora		D	M-T	M-F	5	W	Most soils. Edible fruit, young shoots. 
Rosa nutcana	Nootka rose	D	M	M	4		Most soils. Edible fruit. petals, young shoots. Tea. 
Rosa rubiginosa	Eglantine	D	M-T	M-F	4		Most soils. Edible fruit, petals, young shoots. Tea, medicinal. 
Rosa rugosa	Ramanas rose	D	M	M-F	2	M	Most soils. Edible fruit, petals. Tea, medicinal. 
Rosa virginiana	Virginian rose	D	M	M	3	W	Most soils. Edible fruit, young shoots. Stabilizing sand dunes. 

Salix alba	White willow	D	T	F	2	M	Prefers a stiff moist soil. Edible leaves. Basketry, medicinal. 
Salix "Bowles hybrid"	Bowles willow	D	T	F	4	M	Prefers a stiff moist soil. Basketry. 
Salix caprea	Goat willow	D	T	F	5	M	Most soils if moist. Basketry, leather substitute. 
Salix lanata	Wooly willow	D	S-M	M	2	M	Most soils. 
Salix purpurea	Purple osier	D	T	F	5	W	Most soils. Basketry, medicinal. 
Sambucus nigra	Elder	D	M-T	F	5	M	Most soils. Edible fruit-cooked-and flowers. Insect repellent, tea, medicinal. 
Santolina neopolitanum		E	S	M	7		Sunny position, poor soil. 
Santolina rosmarinifolius	Holy flax	E	S	M	7		As above. 
Sasa palmata	Bamboo	E	M	M	7		Moist well drained loam. Plant supports. 
Semiarundinaria fastuosa	Bamboo	E	T	M	7		Moist well drained loam, sheltered position. Edible young shoots. Plant supports. 
Senecio spp. 		E	M-T	S-M	8	M	Most soils. Species incl:-  S. greyi,  S. laxifolius,  S. monroi,  S. reinoldii,  S. "Sunshine". 
Shepherdia argentea	Buffalo berry	D	M-T	M	2	W	Most soils, drought resistant. Edible fruit. Red dye. 
Sinarundinaria nitida	Bamboo	E	T	M	5		Moist well drained loam, best in semi shade. Plant supports. 
Smilax aspera	Sarsaparilla	E	M-T	M	9		Most soils. Edible young shoots. Root used in soft drinks. Dye, medicinal. 
Sorbus intermedia		D	M-T	M	5	M	Most well drained soils, preferably moist. Sunny position. Edible fruit. 
Spartium junceum	Spanish broom	D	M-T	F	8	M	Most soils, preferably lime free. Basketry, fibre, dye, essential oil, medicinal. 
Spiraea spp. 		D	M	M	4-5		Most moist soils, sunny position. Species include:- S.  x. arguta,  S. japonica and  S. thunbergii. 
Symphoricarpus albus laevigatus		D	M-T	M-F	3	W	Most soils and situations. Invasive. Edible fruit?Besom. Other species can also be used. 
Syringa vulgaris	Lilac	D	M-T	M-F	5		Most soils, warm sunny position. Essential oil, dye, medicinal. 

Tamarix gallica	Tamarisk	D	T	M	5	M	Most soils. Edible manna. Medicinal. Also  T. africana,  T. parviflora and  T. ramosissima. 
Taxus baccata	Yew	E	M-T	S-M	6	W	Most soils, sun or shade. Edible fruit-sweet. BEWARE:- ALL OTHER PARTS OF PLANT ARE POISONOUS. Insecticide, incense, medicinal. Other species can also be used. 
Thamnocalamus spathaceus		E	T	M	6		Moist well drained loam. Edible young shoots. Plant supports. 
Thuja occidentalis	White cedar	E	T	S-M	2		Moist soil. Best in west of Britain. Tea, insect repellent, medicinal. 
Thuja orientalis		E	M-T	S-M	6		Prefers a dry well drained soil. Often does not do well. Edible seed. Dye, medicinal. 
Thuja plicata	Red cedar	E	M-T	M-F	6	W	Most soils except light, sandy. Edible inner bark. Fibre, basketry. 
Tsuga heterophylla	Hemlock	E	T	M-F	6		Best in high rainfall areas in a deep well drained soil. Edible inner bark. Tea, tannin, resin, medicinal. Other species to use include:-  T. canadensis,  T. caroliniana,  T. chinensis and  T. mertensiana. 

Ugni molinae	Ugni	E	M	S-M	8	W	Most well drained soils. Edible fruit. Tea. 
Ulex europaeus	Gorse	E	M	F	6	M	Prefers a poor dry soil, sunny position. Soil stabilization, tea, dye, kindling. 
Ulex parviflorus		E	M	M-F	7	M	As above. 

Viburnum x. juddii		D	M	M	5		Dislikes poor dry soils. 
Viburnum opulus	Guelder rose	D	M-T	M-F	3	W	Prefers moist soils. Edible fruit-best cooked. Red dye, medicinal. Ssp. americanum is said to have superior fruit. 
Viburnum prunifolium	Black haw	D	M-T	M	3		Tolerates poor dry soils. Edible fruit. 
Viburnum tinus	Laurustinus	E	M	F	7	W	Most soils. 
Vitex negundo		D	M-T	M	8		Light soil, sunny position. Seed a condiment. Tea, insect repellent, basketry, medicinal. 

Weigela florida	Weigela	D	M	M	5		Rich soil, sun or part shade. 


D = Deciduous E = Evergreen

Height:- S = Small (to 4ft for hedges, 20ft for trees), M = Medium (to 6ft for hedges, 50ft for trees), T = Tall (over 6ft for hedges, over 50ft for trees).

Rate of Growth:- S = Slow, M = Medium, F = Fast.

Wind Resistance:- W = Tolerates Windy Sites, M = Tolerates Maritime Exposure

Hardiness Zones 1 (hardiest) to 10. Most of Britain is in zone 7 or 8 with some upland and northern areas being colder whilst western and southern coastal areas are milder.

When using this list it is important to remember that it can only contain a small portion of the information we hold on each plant. You are strongly advised to seek more information on any plant before making use of it in the manner suggested.