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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Abies albaSilver Fir, Christmas Tree Fir, European Silver Fir, Silver23
Adonis vernalisPheasant's Eye, Spring pheasant's eye03
Aesculus hippocastanumHorse Chestnut, European Horsechestnut, Common Horsechestnut34
Agrimonia pilosaHairy Agrimony23
Angelica polymorpha 22
Calluna vulgarisHeather, Scotch Heather22
Capparis spinosaCaper,Common Caper, Caper Bush23
Capsella bursa-pastorisShepherd's Purse32
Cupressus sempervirensItalian Cypress02
Cytisus scopariusBroom, Scotch broom, Common Broom13
Ephedra distachyaSea Grape, Jointfir24
Ephedra equisetinaMuzei Ma Huang, Ma huang14
Ephedra intermediaZhong Ma Huang14
Ephedra majorMa Huang14
Ephedra sinicaMa Huang, Chinese ephedra14
Genista tinctoriaDyer's Greenweed, Common Woadwaxen, Broom12
Hedera helixIvy, English ivy, Algerian ivy, Baltic Ivy, Common Ivy03
Lamium albumWhite Dead Nettle23
Lamium galeobdolonYellow Archangel21
Nuphar luteaYellow Water Lily, Yellow pond-lily, Rocky Mountain pond-lily, Varigated yellow pond-lily32
Polygonum aviculareKnotweed, Prostrate knotweed23
Poncirus trifoliataBitter Orange, Hardy orange, Trifoliat Orange, Japanese Hardy Orange32
Ruscus aculeatusButcher's Broom - Knee Holly13
Saussurea roylei 02
Bacopa monnieriHerb of Grace, Brahmi, Smooth Water Hyssop34
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