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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Adiantum capillus-venerisMaidenhair Fern, Common maidenhair, Southern Maidenhair Fern, Venus Maidenhair Fern, Venus's Hair Fe22
Agastache rugosaKorean Mint43
Aphanes arvensisParsley Piert, Field parsley piert23
Avena fatuaWild Oats21
Avena orientalisHungarian Oat31
Berberis vulgarisEuropean Barberry, Common barberry33
Cardiospermum halicacabumHeart Seed, Balloon vine12
Citrus limonLemon45
Clematis orientalisOriental virginsbower01
Coix lacryma-jobiJob's Tears33
Cydonia oblongaQuince42
Dendranthema x grandiflorumChrysanthemum, Cut Mum, Garden Mum, Pot Mum, Florist's Chrysanthemum23
Firmiana simplexChinese Parasol Tree, Chinese parasoltree, Japanese Varnish Tree, Chinese Parasol Tree11
Gentiana acaulisGentian03
Gentiana kurroo 03
Gentiana luteaYellow Gentian15
Gentiana pannonica 13
Gentiana punctataSpotted Gentian13
Gentiana purpurea 13
Gentiana scabraLong Dan Cao13
Gentiana scabra buergeri 13
Hibiscus rosa-sinensisChinese Hibiscus, Shoeblackplant, Hawaiian Hibiscus, Tropical Hibiscus, China Rose, Rose-of-China, S33
Malus pumilaParadise Apple, Common Apple, Apple Tree42
Malus sylvestrisCrab Apple, European crab apple32
Mentha aquaticaWater Mint33
Mentha x piperita citrataEau De Cologne Mint, Eau de Cologne Mint, Peppermint22
Mentha x piperita officinalisWhite Peppermint35
Mentha x piperita vulgarisBlack Peppermint45
Nepeta catariaCatmint, Catnip32
Onosma bracteatum 02
Oxydendrum arboreumSorrel Tree, Sourwood32
Parietaria judaicaPellitory Of The Wall, Spreading pellitory23
Parietaria officinalisPellitory Of The Wall, Upright pellitory23
Phragmites australisCommon Reed, American common reed, Hybrid common reed, European common reed, Subtropical common re52
Phyla nodifloraFrogfruit, Turkey tangle fogfruit12
Plantago majorCommon Plantain, Cart Track Plant,White Man's Foot ,Plantain23
Plantago mediaHoary Plantain22
Polygonatum humile 21
Polygonatum inflatum 21
Polygonatum macropodum 21
Pteridium aquilinumBracken, Western brackenfern, Decomposition brackenfern, Hairy brackenfern22
Pueraria tuberosa 22
Punica granatumPomegranate, Dwarf Pomegranate44
Rhus glabraSmooth Sumach43
Rhus x pulvinata 42
Ribes rubrumRed Currant, Cultivated currant41
Rubus strigosusAmerican Red Raspberry, Grayleaf red raspberry33
Rumex acetosaSorrel, Garden sorrel53
Rumex scutatusBuckler-Leaved Sorrel, French sorrel41
Schizophragma integrifolium 02
Sempervivum tectorumHouseleek, Common houseleek, Hen and Chickens23
Setaria italicaFoxtail Millet42
Stellaria mediaChickweed, Common chickweed33
Symphytum asperumPrickly Comfrey32
Symphytum officinaleComfrey, Common comfrey35
Symphytum uplandicumComfrey35
Typha latifoliaReedmace, Broadleaf cattail, Bullrush, Nailrod53
Vaccinium vitis-idaeaCowberry, Lingonberry, Northern mountain cranberry, Cranberry32
Vallisneria spiralisEel Grass12
Ziziphus jujubaJujube43
Bombax ceibaRed Silk Cotton Tree, Kapok Tree22
Chrysopogon zizanioidesVetiver, Vetiver Root, Khus Khus22
Ficus racemosaCluster Fig32
Gymnema sylvestreGurmar, Gymnema34
Hibiscus sabdariffaRoselle33
Lagenaria sicerariaBottle Gourd32
Prosopis cinerariaJandi, Ghaf32
Aloe feroxCape Aloe, Bitter Aloe, Red Aloe, Cape Aloe, Alligator Jaw Aloe25
Aloe macrosiphonTanzanian Aloe04
Lantana camaraWild Sage, Lantana Verbena24
Panicum miliaceumEuropean Millet32
Tamarindus indicaTamarind43
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