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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Galium aparineGoosegrass, Coachweed, Catchweed, Stickywilly23
Juglans nigraBlack Walnut33
Arenga pinnataSolitary Sugar Palm41
Bertholletia excelsaBrazil Nut52
Borassus aethiopumAfrican Fan Palm, Palmyra Palm42
Boscia senegalensisAizen, Boscia42
Cocos nuciferaCoconut Palm, Coconut52
Cyamopsis tetragonolobaGuar, Cluster Bean43
Moringa oleiferaHorseradish Tree, Moringa,44
Moringa peregrinaMoringa22
Moringa stenopetalaAfrican horseradish tree, cabbagetree43
Phyllanthus emblicaEmblica, Indian Gooseberry35
Salix hybridsHybrid willows33
Typha domingensisSouthern Cattail43
Typha elephantinaBora. Elephant grass, Indian reed-mace.33
Vitellaria paradoxaShea Butter Tree45
Cola acuminataCola Nut, Kola, Bissy Nut34
Euclea divinorumMagic Guarri22
Intsia bijugaMoluccan Ironwood, Ipil12
Strychnos potatorumClearing Nut22
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