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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Jasminum humileYellow Jasmine11
Kadsura longepedunculata 22
Limonium vulgareSea Lavender, Mediterranean sea lavender, Common Privet01
Lindera strychnifolia 02
Lycopodium clavatumCommon Club Moss, Running clubmoss03
Quercus petraeaSessile Oak, Durmast oak23
Quercus roburPedunculate Oak, English oak43
Ranunculus japonicusMao Gen11
Rubus idaeusRaspberry, American red raspberry, Grayleaf red raspberry53
Rubus strigosusAmerican Red Raspberry, Grayleaf red raspberry33
Taraxacum mongolicum 13
Jasminum sambacJasmine Tea33
Gloriosa superbaGloriosa Lily, Climbing Lily, Flame Lily04
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