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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Acacia coleiCole's wattle, Candelabra Wattle, Soap wattle, 32
Acacia cowleanaHall’s Creek wattle32
Acacia victoriaeBramble wattle. Gundabluey, Bardi bush42
Adansonia digitataBaobab, Judas Fruit, Monkey Bread Tree33
Adenanthera pavoninaRed Sandalwood, Coral Tree32
Aegle marmelosBael Tree, Golden Apple, Bengal Quince33
Afzelia xylocarpaMakha Tree, Cambodia Beng Tree22
Albizia lebbeckSiris Tree, Woman's Tongue, East Indian Walnut12
Aleurites moluccanusCandle Nut, Country Walnut33
Alnus jorullensisMexican alder, Evergreen Alder00
Argania spinosaArgan Tree, Spiny Argania, Morocco Ironwood42
Azadirachta indicaNeem24
Balanites aegyptiacaDesert Date. Desert date, Soapberry tree32
Barringtonia proceraPao nuts, Cut nut42
Bauhinia thonningiiCamel's foot tree, monkey bread32
Brosimum alicastrumBreadnut. Maya nut32
Cajanus cajanPigeon Pea, Puerto Rico Bean, Gandul, Dhal, Congo Pea42
Calliandra calothyrsusRed Calliandra, Powderpuff, Kaliandra00
Calotropis giganteaGiant Milkweed, Crown Flower, Giant Calotrope, Swallow-wort23
Caragana microphyllaLittleleaf Peashrub00
Casuarina equisetifoliaShe Oak, Common Ru, Australian Pine, Horsetail Casuarina12
Ceiba pentandraKapok Tree, Cotton Tree, Suma'ma33
Chamaecrista rotundifoliaRound-leaf cassia00
Chukrasia tabularisChickrassy, Chittagong Wood, Indian Redwood.12
Cinnamomum verumCinnamon, Ceylon Cinnamon Tree43
Cnidoscolus aconitifoliusTree Spinach, Tread Softly, Cabbage Star, Chaya43
Cordia alliodoraEcuador laurel, Cypre, Onion Cordia, Laurel Blanco22
Couma macrocarpaBarca, Milk Tree, Couba, Sorva, Sorva grande42
Diospyros mespiliformisWest African Ebony, Monkey guava, jackalberry43
Enterolobium cyclocarpumDevil's Ear. Earpod tree22
Faidherbia albidaWhite Acacia. White-thorn. Apple ring acacia12
Falcataria moluccanaBatai00
Flemingia macrophyllaEnoki-mame12
Gliricidia sepiumGliricidia, Forest Lilac, Mexican Lilac22
Gnetum africanumEru, African Jointfir42
Indigofera tinctoriaIndigo, True Indigo, dye indigo22
Inga edulisIce Cream Bean, Monkey Tamarind42
Landolphia heudelotiiGuinea gumvine, Landolphia rubber32
Leucaena leucocephalaLeucaena, Lead Tree, White Tamarind32
Melia azederachBead Tree, Pride of India, Chinaberry33
Moringa oleiferaHorseradish Tree, Moringa,44
Moringa stenopetalaAfrican horseradish tree, cabbagetree43
Morus mesozygiaAfrican mulberry23
Musanga cecropioidesCorkwood34
Neolamarckia cadambaAmboina, Kadam12
Parinari curatellifoliaMbola, Grys Appel42
Pentaclethra macrophyllaAfrican Oil Bean. Oil Bean Tree, Owala Oil32
Phyllanthus emblicaEmblica, Indian Gooseberry35
Pithecellobium dulceManila Tamarind, Madras Thorn42
Populus hybridsHybrid poplar33
Prosopis albaWhite carob tree, Algarrobo blanco32
Prosopis cinerariaJandi, Ghaf32
Prosopis julifloraMesquite, Honey Mesquite32
Salix hybridsHybrid willows33
Sapium sebiferumVegetable Tallow, Chinese tallow, Popcorn Tree, Chinese Tallow Tree22
Schinziophyton rautaneniiMongongo Nut. Manketti Tree32
Senegalia senegalGum Arabic32
Sesbania grandifloraVegetable Hummingbird, Agati,32
Syzygium cuminiJambolan, Java Plum, Malabar Plum, Jambu33
Talipariti tiliaceumBeach Hibiscus, Sea Hibiscus, Cottontree, Mahoe32
Tarchonanthus camphoratusCamphor Bush, Wild Camphor Bush13
Tithonia diversifoliaMexican Sunflower03
Trichanthera giganteaGiant trichanthera, Nacadero22
Vachellia tortilisUmbrella Thorn22
Woodfordia fruticosaFire-flame bush22
Baikiaea plurijugaRhodesian Teak, Zambesi Redwood12
Bursera simarubaGum Tree, Gumbo Limbo22
Calotropis proceraAuricula Tree, Dead Sea Apple, Sodom Apple13
Carapa guianensisAndiroba04
Cassia fistulaGolden Shower, Purging Cassia, Golden Chain Tree, Indian Laburnum14
Chloroxylon swieteniaEast Indian Satinwood03
Cinchona officinalisLojabark25
Cinchona pubescensQuinine tree, Red Bark, Cinchona, Quina, Quinquina, Quinine Bark, Peruvian Bark, Jesuit's Bark25
Combretum imberbeLeadwood Tree, Ivory tree22
Eucalyptus camaldulensisRed River Gum, Murray Red Gum, River Red Eucalyptus13
Eucalyptus grandisFlooded Gum, Gum, Rose Eucalyptus02
Euphorbia tirucalliAfrican Milkbush, Pencil Cactus, Milk Bush02
Fagraea fragransIronwood, Tembusu02
Gmelina arboreaGmelina, Snapdragon, White Teak22
Gossypium barbadenseSea Island Cotton32
Gossypium herbaceumLevant cotton33
Indigofera suffruticosaAnil Indigo, Anil de pasto02
Khaya senegalensisDryzone Mahogany23
Lawsonia inermisHenna, Mignonette Tree03
Milicia regiaOroko, Iroko22
Millettia stuhlmanniiPanga-panga, Partridge wood02
Nauclea latifoliaAfrican Peach34
Ocotea kenyensisTransvaal stinkwood, stinkhout02
Oreocnide integrifoliaWild Rhea00
Pouteria altissimaAbam, Apotro, Gomu00
Pouteria pierreiAningeria20
Ptaeroxylon obliquumSneezewood02
Pterocarpus erinaceusAfrican Kino03
Shorea robustaSal Tree43
Syzygium jambosJambos, Rose Apple, Plum Rose32
Terminalia ivorensisBlack Afara02
Trema orientalisCharcoal Tree12
Trichilia dregeanaCape Mahogany43
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