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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Ammophila arenariaMarram Grass, European beachgrass10
Arctostaphylos glaucaBigberry Manzanita22
Arenga pinnataSolitary Sugar Palm41
Arundo donaxGiant Reed, Giant Reed Grass32
Bambusa vulgarisCommon Bamboo32
Bassia scopariaSummer Cypress, Burningbush22
Borassus aethiopumAfrican Fan Palm, Palmyra Palm42
Bouteloua gracilisBlue Grama11
Bromus marginatusMountain Brome10
Cajanus cajanPigeon Pea, Puerto Rico Bean, Gandul, Dhal, Congo Pea42
Calocedrus decurrensIncense Cedar, California Incense Cedar11
Camelina sativaGold Of Pleasure30
Carludovica palmataPanama Hat Plant, Carludovica Palm30
Caryota urensJaggary Palm, Toddy Palm, Fishtail Wine Palm42
Cercocarpus montanusMountain Mahogany, Alderleaf mountain mahogany, Silver mountain mahogany, Island mountain mahogany,01
Chamaecyparis lawsonianaLawson Cypress, Port orford cedar, Oregon Cedar, Port Orford Cedar, Lawson's Cypress01
Cocos nuciferaCoconut Palm, Coconut52
Corypha utanGebang Palm. Corypha palm, Sugar palm32
Cytisus scopariusBroom, Scotch broom, Common Broom13
Dalea candida oligophyllaWhite Prairie Clover31
Dalea purpureaPurple Prairie Clover21
Elaeis guineensisAfrican Oil Palm52
Erica tetralixBog Heather, Crossleaf heath00
Fallugia paradoxaApache Plume00
Gutierrezia sarothraeBroomweed, Broom snakeweed02
Iris ensataJapanese Water Iris11
Koeleria macranthaJune Grass, Prairie Junegrass11
Leopoldinia piassabaPiassaba24
Lespedeza formosaOriental lespedeza00
Lespedeza junceaChinese Lespedeza, Juncea lespedeza11
Lespedeza maximowiczii 00
Lilaea scilloidesAwl-leaf lilaea00
Metroxylon amicarumCaroline Ivory Nut Palm31
Nypa fruticansNipa Palm, Mangrove Palm32
Panicum capillareOld Witch Grass, Witchgrass21
Phragmites australisCommon Reed, American common reed, Hybrid common reed, European common reed, Subtropical common re52
Phytelephas macrocarpaVegetable Ivory, Tagua, Nut Palm, Ivory nut palm20
Prunus americanaAmerican Plum, American Wild Plum, Wild Plum32
Raphia fariniferaRaffia Palm30
Raphia hookeriIvory Coast Raffia Palm32
Ruscus aculeatusButcher's Broom - Knee Holly13
Salix taxifoliaYew-Leaf Willow12
Scoparia dulcisSweet Broom, Licorice Weed, Vassourinha24
Sorghum bicolorSorghum, Common wild sorghum, Grain sorghum, Sudangrass42
Symphoricarpos albus laevigatusSnowberry12
Symphoricarpos occidentalisWolfberry, Western snowberry11
Tacca leontopetaloidesPolynesian Arrowroot, Pia42
Thuja occidentalisAmerican Arbor-Vitae, Arborvitae, Eastern Arborvitae, Siberian Arborvitae, Northern White Cedar, Wh23
Thysanolaena latifoliaAsian Broom Grass, Tiger Grass00
Vaccinium parvifoliumRed Bilberry, Red huckleberry31
Vaccinium scopariumGrouseberry, Grouse whortleberry21
Yucca angustissimaNarrowleaf yucca, Kanab yucca, Toft's yucca, Yucca30
Yucca glaucaSoapweed, Soapweed yucca, Gurney's yucca, American Vetch, Yucca, Narrowleaf Yucca, Soapweed22
Yucca harrimaniaeSpanish Bayonet, New Mexico Spanish bayonet20
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