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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Acer glabrumRock Maple, Rocky Mountain maple, Douglas maple, Greene's maple, New Mexico maple, Torrey maple21
Alnus rhombifoliaWhite Alder12
Amelanchier alnifoliaSaskatoon, Saskatoon serviceberry, Serviceberry52
Arctostaphylos uva-ursiBearberry34
Aruncus dioicusGoat's Beard, Bride's feathers22
Camassia quamashQuamash, Small camas, Utah small camas, Walpole's small camas51
Caulophyllum robustumPapoose Root22
Caulophyllum thalictroidesPapoose Root, Blue cohosh13
Glycyrrhiza lepidotaAmerican Liquorice43
Hedeoma pulegioidesAmerican Pennyroyal, American false pennyroyal33
Hierochloe odorataHoly Grass22
Juniperus californicaCalifornian Juniper, Chuperosa21
Juniperus monospermaOne-Seed Juniper32
Juniperus occidentalisWestern Juniper32
Laportea canadensisCanadian Wood Nettle31
Lathyrus ornatusBush Vetchling11
Ledum groenlandicumLabrador Tea, Bog Labrador tea23
Leonurus cardiacaMotherwort, Common motherwort23
Leonurus japonicus 03
Malus coronariaGarland Crab, Sweet crab apple31
Matteuccia struthiopterisOstrich Fern21
Nuphar japonicum 31
Osmorhiza longistylisAniseroot, Longstyle sweetroot31
Packera aureaGolden Groundsel - Life Root, Golden ragwort02
Petroselinum crispumParsley44
Petroselinum crispum tuberosumHamburg Parsley43
Polystichum munitumGiant Holly Fern, Western swordfern12
Quercus marilandicaBlackjack Oak22
Rhus ovataSugar Bush, Sugar sumac21
Ribes lacustrePrickly Blackcurrant, Prickly currant31
Rosa nutkanaNootka Rose, Bristly Nootka rose32
Rubus idaeusRaspberry, American red raspberry, Grayleaf red raspberry53
Rubus strigosusAmerican Red Raspberry, Grayleaf red raspberry33
Rumex venosusSour Greens, Veiny dock12
Sedum lanceolatumSpearleaf Stonecrop, Subalpine stonecrop11
Sedum spathulifoliumBroadleaf Stonecrop, Purdy's stonecrop, Yosemite stonecrop, Stonecrop, Blood Leaf Sedum11
Shepherdia canadensisBuffalo Berry, Russet buffaloberry, Canada Buffaloberry32
Smilax auriculataEarleaf Greenbrier22
Smilax bona-noxGreenbriar, Saw greenbrier, Dunes saw greenbrier32
Smilax glaucaCat Greenbrier22
Smilax hispidaHag Briar22
Smilax laurifoliaLaurel Greenbrier32
Smilax rotundifoliaHorse Brier, Roundleaf greenbrier, Brambles32
Smilax tamnoidesBristly Greenbrier22
Spiraea tomentosaHardhack, Steeplebush02
Symphoricarpos occidentalisWolfberry, Western snowberry11
Trillium erectumBeth Root - Indian Balm, Red trillium, Wakerobin, Purple Trillium23
Trillium ovatumWakerobin, Pacific trillium, Oettinger's trillium, Hibberson's trillium11
Tsuga carolinianaCarolina Hemlock12
Ulmus americanaAmerican Elm, Gray Elm, Water Elm22
Vaccinium ovalifoliumBlack Huckleberry, Oval-leaf blueberry31
Vaccinium ovatumEvergreen Huckleberry, Florist's Huckleberry, Shot Huckleberry, Californian Huckleberry31
Vaccinium uliginosumBog Bilberry31
Verbena officinalisVervain, Herb of the cross, Prostrate verbena13
Viburnum dentatumArrow Wood, Southern arrowwood, Southern Arrowwood Viburnum21
Viburnum opulusGuelder Rose, Cramp Bark, European cranberrybush, American cranberrybush, Crampbark, European Highb33
Viburnum prunifoliumStagberry, Black Haw, Hybrid blackhaw, Smooth Blackhaw, Blackhaw Viburnum23
Viola aduncaWestern Dog Violet, Hookedspur violet, Kirk's violet31
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