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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Asphodelus albusAsphodel, Gamón-blanco21
Daucus carota sativusCarrot53
Phormium tenaxNew Zealand Flax, Coastal Flax, New Zealand Hemp20
Solanum tuberosumPotato, Irish potato52
Taraxacum kok-saghyzRubber Dandelion10
Albizia lebbeckSiris Tree, Woman's Tongue, East Indian Walnut12
Albizia proceraWhite Siris, Tall Albizia, Forest Siris12
Aleurites moluccanusCandle Nut, Country Walnut33
Metroxylon saguSago Palm40
Phragmites australisCommon Reed, American common reed, Hybrid common reed, European common reed, Subtropical common re52
Saccharum officinarumSugarcane, Purple Sugar Cane42
Samanea samanRain Tree, False Powder Puff, Monkey Pod32
Cassia fistulaGolden Shower, Purging Cassia, Golden Chain Tree, Indian Laburnum14
Euphorbia tirucalliAfrican Milkbush, Pencil Cactus, Milk Bush02
Euterpe edulisJucara Palm, Assai Palm52
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