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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Agave parryiCentury Plant, Parry's agave, Mescal31
Amphicarpaea bracteataHog Peanut, American hogpeanut51
Nelumbo luteaAmerican Water Lotus, American lotus41
Panicum decompositumNative Millet, Australian millet20
Populus nigraBlack Poplar, Lombardy poplar13
Yucca baccataSpanish Bayonet, Banana yucca, Blue Yucca, Spanish Yucca41
Cyperus papyrusPapyrus. Papyrus sedge22
Phaseolus polystachiosThicket Bean. Wild bean20
Agave murpheyiHohokam Agave, Murphey agave20
Astrebla squarrosaBull Mitchell grass40
Rhynchoryza subulataArroz bravo30
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