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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Adenophora verticillata 22
Ajuga chamaepitysGround Pine, Yellow bugle02
Allium victorialisAlpine Leek, Victory onion42
Ambrosia artemesiifoliaRoman Wormwood, Bitterweed, Blackweed, Carrot Weed, Hay Fever Weed, Stickeweed, Tassel Weed, Wild Ta23
Ambrosia trifidaGiant Ragweed, Great ragweed, Texan great ragweed, Bitterweed, Bloodweed, Buffalo Weed, Horse Cane13
Amelanchier canadensisJuneberry, Canadian serviceberry, Serviceberry Downy, Shadblow, Shadbush, Serviceberry41
Amelanchier pallidaPale Serviceberry31
Anemopsis californicaYerba Mansa22
Angelica acutilobaDong Dang Gui21
Angelica anomala 02
Angelica gigasGiant Angelica, Purple Parsnip, Korean Angelica22
Angelica sinensisDang Gui - Dong Quai - Chinese Angelica05
Angelica uchiyamanae 01
Arctostaphylos uva-ursiBearberry34
Arisaema dracontiumGreen-Dragon11
Artemisia frigidaFringed Wormwood, Prairie sagewort22
Artemisia japonica 12
Artemisia vulgarisMugwort, Common wormwood, Felon Herb, Chrysanthemum Weed, Wild Wormwood23
Asparagus racemosusShatavari35
Athyrium filix-feminaLady Fern, Common ladyfern, Subarctic ladyfern, Asplenium ladyfern, Southern Lady Fern, Tatting Fer12
Balsamorhiza hookeriBalsam Root, Hooker's balsamroot, Hairy balsamroot, Idaho balsamroot, Rabbithead balsamroot, Negle41
Boehmeria niveaRamie, Chinese Grass, Chinese Silk Plant22
Borago officinalisBorage, Common borage,Cool-tankard, Tailwort33
Bouteloua gracilisBlue Grama11
Campsis grandifloraTrumpet Creeper02
Canna indicaIndian Shot42
Cercis chinensisChinese Redbud12
Chenopodium vulvariaStinking Goosefoot. Arrach - Wormseed21
Convolvulus arvensisField Bindweed12
Corydalis aureaScrambled Eggs02
Cryptotaenia japonicaMitsuba, Japanese honewort41
Cudrania tricuspidataSilkworm Thorn, Storehousebush22
Euonymus fortuneiWinter Creeper, Wintercreeper Euonymus01
Euonymus japonicusJapanese Spindle Tree, Box-leaf Euonymus, Evergreen Euonymus, Japanese Euonymus11
Euonymus oxyphyllus 11
Eupatorium chinense 12
Eupatorium japonicumPei Lan13
Eupatorium lindleyanum 02
Euphorbia marginataMountain Snow, Ghost Spurge, Ghost Weed11
Ferula moschataMusk Root02
Glyptostrobus pensilisChinese Swamp Cypress02
Houttuynia cordataTsi, Chameleon, Rainbow Plant, Chameleon Plant44
Kerria japonicaBachelor's Button, Japanese rose, Jew's Mallow, Japanese Kerria11
Leonurus cardiacaMotherwort, Common motherwort23
Leonurus japonicus 03
Leonurus macranthus 11
Lilium lancifoliumTiger Lily, Devil Lily42
Linnaea borealisTwinflower, Longtube twinflower11
Lonicera ciliosaOrange Honeysuckle22
Lycopodium serratumClub Moss02
Lysimachia quadrifoliaWhorled Yellow Loosestrife11
Mercurialis annuaAnnual Mercury11
Mercurialis perennisDog's Mercury01
Mitchella repensPartridge Berry33
Nuphar japonicum 31
Onoclea sensibilisSensitive Fern22
Paeonia lactifloraChinese Peony, Peony13
Passiflora incarnataMaypops - Passion Flower, Purple passionflower, Apricot Vine, Maypop, Wild Passion Flower, Purple Pa33
Pastinaca sativaParsnip, Wild parsnip41
Physocarpus opulifoliusNinebark, Common ninebark, Atlantic ninebark, Ninebark01
Podophyllum peltatumAmerican Mandrake, Mayapple, Ground Lemon, Mandrake, Mayapple24
Polygonum japonicumJapanese Knotweed, Mexican Bamboo, Japanese Knotweed33
Ribes americanumAmerican Blackcurrant21
Ribes cynosbatiDogberry, Eastern prickly gooseberry31
Ribes hudsonianumHudson Bay Currant, Northern black currant, Western black currant21
Rosa chinensisChina Rose12
Rosa nutkanaNootka Rose, Bristly Nootka rose32
Rosa pisocarpaCluster Rose, Ahart's cluster rose22
Rosa woodsiiWestern Wild Rose, Woods' rose, Tehachapi rose22
Rubus parviflorusThimbleberry33
Salix scoulerianaScouler's Willow02
Sarracenia purpureaPitcher Plant, Purple Pitcherplant, Huntsman's Cup, Purple Pitcher Plant, Sweet Pitcher Plant, Com02
Saussurea affinis 11
Sedum arboroseumGarden Stonecrop12
Silphium perfoliatumCup Plant, Rosinweed02
Streptopus roseusScootberry, Rosybells42
Tephrosia virginianaCatgut, Virginia tephrosia02
Thelypteris palustrisMarsh Fern, Eastern marsh fern11
Tradescantia virginianaSpiderwort, Virginia spiderwort21
Vaccinium myrtilloidesSourtop Blueberry, Velvetleaf huckleberry31
Vallisneria spiralisEel Grass12
Verbena urticifoliaWhite Vervain01
Vernonia glaucaIronweed, Broadleaf ironweed01
Veronica agrestisField Speedwell, Green field speedwell11
Veronica politaGray field speedwell21
Viburnum trilobumAmerican Cranberry, Highbush Cranberry, Cranberrybush, American Cranberrybush Viburnum31
Vitex agnus-castusAgnus Castus, Lilac chastetree, Vitex, Chastetree25
Zostera marinaEel Grass, Seawrack21
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