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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Anemone vitifolia 02
Artemisia tridentataSage Brush, Big sagebrush, Bonneville big sagebrush32
Artemisia tripartitaThreetip Sage Brush, Wyoming threetip sagebrush21
Artemisia vulgarisMugwort, Common wormwood, Felon Herb, Chrysanthemum Weed, Wild Wormwood23
Betula nanaDwarf Birch22
Cassiope tetragonaWhite Arctic Mountain Heather00
Chamaecyparis nootkatensisNootka Cypress, Nootka Cypress, Yellow Cypress, Alaska Cedar01
Cirsium arvenseCreeping Thistle, Canada thistle22
Cirsium eriophorumWooly Thistle20
Cirsium oleraceumCabbage Thistle20
Cirsium palustreMarsh Thistle20
Cirsium tuberosumTuberous Thistle30
Cirsium vulgareCommon Thistle, Bull thistle, Dodder, Boar Thistle, Bull Thistle21
Clematis columbianaRock Clematis01
Clematis douglasiiHairy Clematis01
Clematis ligusticifoliaWhite Clematis, Western white clematis, California clematis,02
Cowania mexicanaCliffrose02
Epilobium angustifoliumWillow Herb32
Eriophorum angustifoliumCotton Grass, Tall cottongrass21
Eriophorum gracileCotton Grass, Slender cottongrass20
Ferula communisGiant Fennel11
Galium aparineGoosegrass, Coachweed, Catchweed, Stickywilly23
Gerbera lanuginosa 00
Gnaphalium affine 12
Gnaphalium luteoalbumJersey Cudweed11
Juniperus communisJuniper, Common juniper33
Juniperus communis nanaJuniper33
Juniperus monospermaOne-Seed Juniper32
Juniperus occidentalisWestern Juniper32
Juniperus osteospermaDesert Juniper, Utah juniper22
Juniperus scopulorumRocky Mountain Juniper, Weeping Rocky Mountian Juniper, Colorado Red Cedar32
Juniperus virginianaPencil Cedar, Eastern redcedar, Southern redcedar, Silver Cedar, Burk Eastern Red Cedar, Silver East22
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine, Washoe pine32
Potentilla fruticosaShrubby Cinquefoil, Potentilla11
Pteridium aquilinumBracken, Western brackenfern, Decomposition brackenfern, Hairy brackenfern22
Pteridium aquilinum esculentumBracken22
Rumex mexicanusMexican Dock12
Sambucus caeruleaBlue Elder42
Thuja plicataWestern Red Cedar, Giant Arborvitae, Giant Cedar, Incense Cedar, Western Red Cedar12
Tussilago farfaraColtsfoot33
Typha angustifoliaSmall Reed Mace, Narrowleaf cattail53
Typha bungeana 43
Typha latifoliaReedmace, Broadleaf cattail, Bullrush, Nailrod53
Ulmus rubraSlippery Elm25
Verbascum thapsusGreat Mullein, Common mullein, Aaron's Rod, Flannel Plant, Hag Taper, Mullein, Torches, Velvet Plant13
Muntingia calaburaCalabura, Panama berry, Capulin32
Arenga pinnataSolitary Sugar Palm41
Bambusa atraClumping Bamboo. Long pipe bamboo.20
Ricinodendron heudelotiiManketti nut, Zambezi almond, African oil-nut-tree33
Typha domingensisSouthern Cattail43
Typha elephantinaBora. Elephant grass, Indian reed-mace.33
Calotropis proceraAuricula Tree, Dead Sea Apple, Sodom Apple13
Ceiba aesculifoliaPochote21
Croton palanostigmaSangre De Grado, Dragon's blood04
Leptadenia hastataAkamongot, Anvara43
Phytelephas macrocarpaVegetable Ivory, Tagua, Nut Palm, Ivory nut palm20
Ptaeroxylon obliquumSneezewood02
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