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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Amphicarpaea bracteataHog Peanut, American hogpeanut51
Amphicarpaea edgeworthii 40
Apios americanaGround Nut51
Boehmeria niveaRamie, Chinese Grass, Chinese Silk Plant22
Brassica carinataAbyssinian Cabbage42
Brassica oleraceaWild Cabbage, Broccoli, Tronchuda cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Kohlrabi, Sprouting broccoli42
Cajanus cajanPigeon Pea, Puerto Rico Bean, Gandul, Dhal, Congo Pea42
Caragana arborescensSiberian Pea Tree, Siberian peashrub51
Cnidoscolus aconitifoliusTree Spinach, Tread Softly, Cabbage Star, Chaya43
Desmanthus illinoensisPrairie Mimosa, Illinois bundleflower41
Lablab purpureusHyacinth Bean, Bonavist-bean42
Lupinus polyphyllusBig-Leaf Lupin, Lupine11
Medicago sativaAlfalfa, Yellow alfalfa43
Phalaris arundinaceaCanary Grass, Reed canarygrass, Gardener's Garter Grass, Ribbon Grass00
Phaseolus coccineusRunner Bean, Scarlet runner40
Phaseolus lunatusLima Bean, Sieva bean41
Pueraria montana lobataKudzu Vine45
Trifolium repensWhite Clover, Dutch Clover, Purple Dutch Clover, Shamrock, White Clover32
Typha angustifoliaSmall Reed Mace, Narrowleaf cattail53
Urtica dioicaStinging Nettle, California nettle55
Moringa oleiferaHorseradish Tree, Moringa,44
Sesbania sesbanSesban22
Sphenostylis stenocarpaAfrican Yam Bean40
Treculia africanaAfrican Breadfruit or Breadnut42
Tylosema esculentumMarama Bean40
Acacia holosericeaStrap wattle, Candelabra wattle12
Acacia victoriaeBramble wattle. Gundabluey, Bardi bush42
Albizia lucidiorPotka siris tree00
Brosimum alicastrumBreadnut. Maya nut32
Brosimum utileCow Tree, Palo De Vaca32
Canavalia gladiataSword Bean32
Erythrina edulisBalu. Andean tree bean32
Manilkara huberiCow Tree, Massaranduba. Black balata30
Panicum maximumGuinea grass. Green panic grass12
Parkinsonia aculeataJerusalem Thorn32
Acacia coleiCole's wattle, Candelabra Wattle, Soap wattle, 32
Acacia cowleanaHall’s Creek wattle32
Acacia murrayanaMurray’s wattle, Colony wattle32
Brosimum parinarioidesLeite de amapa, Brosimum32
Clitoria ternateaButterfly pea30
Phaseolus polystachiosThicket Bean. Wild bean20
Cercidium microphyllumPaloverde. Foothill palo verde. Small-leaved palo verde30
Pennisetum purpureumNapier grass. Elephant grass22
Populus hybridsHybrid poplar33
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