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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Colchicum autumnaleAutumn Crocus, Meadow Saffron,03
Colchicum bivonae 00
Gymnanthemum amygdalinumBitterleaf43
Macadamia hildebrandiiCelebes nut40
Macadamia integrifoliaMacadamia, Macadamia nut40
Macadamia ternifoliaMacadamia Nut, Gympie nut40
Macadamia tetraphyllaQueensland Nut, Macadamia nut40
Mammea americanaMammee Apple, Mammey42
Nephelium ramboutan-akePulasan41
Sambucus nigra spp canadensisAmerican Elder43
Simarouba glaucaParadise Tree, Bitterwood, Dysentery-bark34
Paederia foetidaSkunk Vine24
Solanum aethiopicumMock Tomato, Ethiopian nightshade32
Swietenia macrophyllaBig Leaf Mahogany, Honduras Mahogany02
Swietenia mahagoniMahogany, West Indies Mahogany02
Toona ciliataMountain Cedar, Australian Red Cedar, Toona22
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