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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Adonis aestivalisPheasant's Eye, Summer pheasant's eye01
Ageratum conyzoidesGoatweed, Tropical whiteweed03
Allium cepaOnion, Garden onion53
Allium cepa aggregatumPotato Onion43
Allium cepa ascalonicumShallot53
Allium cepa proliferumTree Onion, Walking Onion53
Allium cernuumNodding Onion, New Mexican nodding onion52
Ammi visnagaVisnaga. Khella. Bishop's Weed, Toothpickweed15
Arctostaphylos uva-ursiBearberry34
Bergenia ciliata 12
Betula glandulosaScrub Birch21
Betula kenaicaKenai Birch31
Betula nanaDwarf Birch22
Betula occidentalisWater Birch32
Betula pendulaSilver Birch, European white birch, Common Birch, Warty Birch, European White Birch33
Betula pubescensWhite Birch, Downy birch33
Centaurea solstitialisSt. Barnaby's Thistle, Yellow star-thistle11
Cynara scolymusGlobe Artichoke35
Cyperus rotundusNut Grass33
Diospyros ebenumEbony, Ceylon Ebony, Mauritius Ebony, Ebony Persimmon12
Elytrigia repensCouch Grass, Quackgrass23
Filipendula vulgarisDropwort, Meadowsweet21
Galium mollugoHedge Bedstraw, False baby's breath12
Galium triflorumFragrant Bedstraw12
Galium verumLady's Bedstraw, Yellow Spring bedstraw, Wirtgen's bedstraw32
Hypericum hypericoidesSt. Andrews Cross02
Juglans ailanthifoliaJapanese Walnut31
Juglans ailanthifolia cordiformisHeartseed Walnut41
Juglans regiaWalnut, English walnut, Persian Walnut,43
Juncus effususSoft Rush, Common rush, Lamp rush, Pacific rush12
Lagenaria sicerariaBottle Gourd32
Lithospermum officinaleGromwell, European stoneseed12
Lysimachia christiniaeJin Qian Cao02
Malus coronariaGarland Crab, Sweet crab apple31
Melia azederachBead Tree, Pride of India, Chinaberry33
Ononis repensRest Harrow, Common restharrow21
Ononis spinosaSpiny Rest Harrow22
Oxalis corniculataYellow Sorrel, Creeping woodsorrel22
Parthenium integrifoliumWild Quinine02
Phragmites australisCommon Reed, American common reed, Hybrid common reed, European common reed, Subtropical common re52
Physalis alkekengiWinter Cherry, Strawberry groundcherry,Ground Cherry, Chinese Lantern22
Platanthera dilatataWhite Bog-Orchid, Scentbottle, Sierra bog orchid31
Polygonum aviculareKnotweed, Prostrate knotweed23
Polygonum persicariaRed Leg, Spotted ladysthumb12
Ribes tristeAmerican Red Currant, Red currant31
Spergularia rubraSandwort, Red sandspurry11
Tiarella cordifoliaFoamflower, Heartleaf foamflower, Clumping Foamflower02
Typha angustifoliaSmall Reed Mace, Narrowleaf cattail53
Ulmus parvifoliaChinese Elm, Lacebark Elm21
Ulmus pumilaSiberian Elm, Hybrid elm22
Vitis viniferaGrape, Wine grape, Purpleleaf Grape, Common Grape52
Zea maysSweet Corn, Corn53
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