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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Aconitum balfourii 01
Aconitum feroxIndian aconite01
Adenanthera pavoninaRed Sandalwood, Coral Tree32
Afzelia africanaAfrican Mahogany22
Agave sisalanaSisal22
Ageratum conyzoidesGoatweed, Tropical whiteweed03
Alchornea cordifoliaChristmas Bush24
Alisma plantago-aquaticaGreat Water Plantain, ZE-XIE, European water plantain, American water plantain, Northern water plan13
Anacardium occidentaleCashew, Caju53
Areca catechuBetel Palm, Betel Nut Palm33
Astragalus multiceps 11
Azadirachta indicaNeem24
Baccharis genistelloidesCarqueja04
Bauhinia forficataBrazilian Orchid Tree04
Bombax ceibaRed Silk Cotton Tree, Kapok Tree22
Brucea antidysentericaWaginos14
Buchanania lanzanAlmondette, Charoli Nut42
Buxus sempervirensBox, Common box, American Boxwood12
Calotropis giganteaGiant Milkweed, Crown Flower, Giant Calotrope, Swallow-wort23
Calotropis proceraAuricula Tree, Dead Sea Apple, Sodom Apple13
Canarium schweinfurtiiAfrican elemi33
Cassia sieberianaWest African Laburnum14
Castilleja linariaefoliaWyoming Indian Paintbrush12
Ceiba pentandraKapok Tree, Cotton Tree, Suma'ma33
Celastrus dependens 12
Centella asiaticaGotu Kola, Spadeleaf25
Combretum imberbeLeadwood Tree, Ivory tree22
Costus aferSpiral Ginger, Ginger lily, White spiral costus.24
Cullen corylifoliumBu Gu Zhi14
Dalbergia latifoliaBlack Rosewood, East Indian Rosewood, Kala sheeshan, Satisal02
Dichrostachys cinereaMarabou Thorn, Sickle Bush22
Diospyros malabaricaIndian Persimmon, Gaub, Timbiri, Mountain ebony13
Diospyros mespiliformisWest African Ebony, Monkey guava, jackalberry43
Eleusine coracanaFinger Millet, African finger millet42
Euclea divinorumMagic Guarri22
Gloriosa superbaGloriosa Lily, Climbing Lily, Flame Lily04
Gmelina arboreaGmelina, Snapdragon, White Teak22
Guazuma ulmifoliaBastard Cedar. West Indian elm, Guasimo23
Guiera senegalensisMoshi medicine, guier du Senegal14
Humulus lupulusHop, Common hop, European Hop,45
Hydnocarpus kurziiChaulmugra04
Juglans nigraBlack Walnut33
Khaya senegalensisDryzone Mahogany23
Lantana camaraWild Sage, Lantana Verbena24
Lawsonia inermisHenna, Mignonette Tree03
Leontice leontopetalumRakaf11
Leplaea cedrataScented Guarea02
Leplaea thompsoniiBlack Guarea02
Leptadenia hastataAkamongot, Anvara43
Letestua durissimaKong-Afane, Congotali02
Madhuca longifoliaButter Tree. Mahua, Illipe32
Mansonia altissimaMansonia02
Mimosa pudicaMorivivir, Sensitive Plant22
Morinda citrifoliaNoni, Indian Mulberry34
Moringa stenopetalaAfrican horseradish tree, cabbagetree43
Musa acuminataDwarf Banana, Edible banana52
Musanga cecropioidesCorkwood34
Nerium oleanderOleander, Rose Bay02
Okoubaka aubrevilleiOkoubaka tree04
Onosma bracteatum 02
Paraderris ellipticaDerris02
Parkia biglobosaAfrican Locust Bean42
Phytolacca dodecandraEndod, Pokeberry23
Pittosporum resiniferumPetroleum nut03
Prosopis cinerariaJandi, Ghaf32
Psoralea corylifoliaBu Gu Zhi14
Pterocarpus erinaceusAfrican Kino03
Pycnanthus angolensisAfrican Nutmeg23
Senegalia senegalGum Arabic32
Senna singueanaWinter cassia, Sticky pod23
Senna toraStinking Cassia, Sickle senna13
Smilax officinalisHonduran sarsaparilla24
Solanum lycopersicumTomato, Garden Tomato53
Sophora flavescensKu Shen, Shrubby sophora03
Terminalia catappaIndian Almond, Tropical Almond Tree42
Theobroma cacaoCacao, Cocoa Tree53
Treculia africanaAfrican Breadfruit or Breadnut42
Tribulus terrestrisCaltrop, Puncturevine13
Trichilia dregeanaCape Mahogany43
Trichilia emeticaBanket mahogany, Natal mahogany, 23
Vachellia niloticaGum Arabic Tree22
Vachellia seyalShittim Wood22
Vitex donianaBlack Plum43
Xanthium strumariumCocklebur, Rough cocklebur, Canada cocklebur13
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