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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Achillea millefoliumYarrow, Boreal yarrow, California yarrow, Giant yarrow, Coast yarrow, Western yarrow, Pacific yarrow34
Aphanes arvensisParsley Piert, Field parsley piert23
Bellis perennisDaisy, Lawndaisy, English Daisy23
Camassia leichtliniiWild Hyacinth, Large camas, Suksdorf's large camas40
Camassia quamashQuamash, Small camas, Utah small camas, Walpole's small camas51
Chamaemelum nobileChamomile, Roman chamomile25
Cichorium intybusChicory, Radicchio, Succory, Witloof43
Colchicum autumnaleAutumn Crocus, Meadow Saffron,03
Cortaderia selloanaPampas Grass00
Crocus nudiflorus 23
Crocus sativusSaffron33
Dactylis glomerataCock's Foot, Orchardgrass, Ascherson's orchardgrass01
Elytrigia repensCouch Grass, Quackgrass23
Erythronium americanumTrout Lily, Dogtooth violet41
Erythronium dens-canisDog's-Tooth Violet30
Erythronium japonicumKatakuri40
Erythronium montanumAvelanche Lily, White avalanche-lily20
Erythronium oregonumGiant White Fawnlily21
Erythronium revolutumPink Fawn Lily, Mahogany fawnlily30
Euphrasia officinalisEyebright13
Festuca ovinaSheep's Fescue10
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioidesWater Pennywort, Lawn marshpennywort12
Hypochoeris radicataCat's Ear21
Lotus corniculatusBird's Foot Trefoil11
Muscari botryoidesItalian Grape Hyacinth, Common grape hyacinth, White Grape Hyacinth10
Muscari comosumTassel Hyacinth, Tassel grape hyacinth31
Muscari neglectumGrape Hyacinth, Starch grape hyacinth20
Narcissus pseudonarcissusWild Daffodil, Daffodil02
Ophrys apiferaBee Orchid22
Ophrys araneola 22
Ophrys bertolonii 22
Ophrys bombyliflora 22
Ophrys fuscaBrown Bee Orchid22
Ophrys holosericaLate Spider Orchid22
Ophrys insectiferaFly Orchid22
Ophrys iricolor 22
Ophrys luteaYellow Bee Orchid22
Ophrys scolopaxWoodcock Orchid22
Ophrys sphegodesEarly Spider Orchid22
Ophrys tenthrediniferaSawfly Orchid22
Ophrys vernixia 22
Orchis coriophoraBug Orchis22
Orchis italica 22
Orchis laxifloraMarsh Orchis22
Orchis masculaEarly Purple Orchis22
Orchis militarisMilitary Orchis22
Orchis morioGreen-Winged Orchid, Green-winged orchid22
Orchis ustulataDark-Winged Orchis22
Pilosella officinarumMouse-Ear Hawkweed03
Plantago lanceolataRibwort Plantain, Narrowleaf plantain23
Plantago majorCommon Plantain, Cart Track Plant,White Man's Foot ,Plantain23
Plantago mediaHoary Plantain22
Poa annuaAnnual Meadow Grass, Annual bluegrass, Low Spear Grass, Meadow Grass, Six Week Grass, Annual Blue00
Poa pratensisKentucky Blue Grass, Spreading bluegrass10
Potentilla anserinaSilverweed33
Pratia angulata 20
Prunella grandiflora 20
Prunella vulgarisSelf-Heal, Common selfheal, Aleutian selfheal, Lance selfheal23
Ranunculus acrisMeadow Buttercup, Tall buttercup, Showy buttercup12
Ranunculus bulbosusBulbous Buttercup, St. Anthony's turnip12
Rumex browniiSwamp Dock20
Sanguisorba minorSalad Burnet, Small burnet42
Taraxacum officinaleDandelion - Kukraundha, Kanphool, Common dandelion, Dandelion43
Thymus serpyllumWild Thyme43
Trifolium dubiumSuckling Clover01
Trifolium repensWhite Clover, Dutch Clover, Purple Dutch Clover, Shamrock, White Clover32
Tulipa sylvestriswild tulip00
Veronica arvensisCorn Speedwell01
Veronica chamaedrysGermander Speedwell11
Veronica officinalisCommon Speedwell12
Viola tricolorHeartsease, Johnny jumpup, Field Pansy,23
Zoysia japonicaKorean Lawn Grass10
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