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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Acorus calamusSweet Flag - Calamus34
Actinidia polygamaSilver Vine42
Argemone mexicanaPrickly Poppy, Mexican pricklypoppy13
Atropa bella-donnaDeadly Nightshade, Belladonna03
Coriaria microphylla 01
Coriaria sinica 21
Corydalis cava 03
Corydalis solidaFumewort, Spring fumewort13
Datura inoxiaDowny Thorn Apple, Pricklyburr13
Datura metelThorn Apple, Angel's Trumpet, Hindu Datura, Horn of Plenty, Downy Thorn Apple13
Datura stramoniumThorn Apple, Jimsonweed, Jamestown Weed04
Foeniculum vulgareFennel, Sweet fennel53
Foeniculum vulgare azoricumFlorence Fennel33
Foeniculum vulgare dulceSweet Fennel43
Heimia salicifoliaErva De Vida, Shrubby yellowcrest11
Hyoscyamus albusWhite Henbane04
Hyoscyamus nigerHenbane, Black henbane04
Ipomoea nilJapanese Morning Glory, Whiteedge morning-glory02
Ipomoea purpureaCommon Morning Glory, Tall morning-glory02
Ipomoea tricolorMorning Glory, Grannyvine01
Lagochilus inebriansIntoxicating Mint12
Magnolia virginianaLaurel Magnolia, Sweetbay13
Mandragora officinarumMandrake12
Mirabilis multifloraFour O'clock Plant, Colorado four o'clock12
Peganum harmalaSyrian Rue, Harmal peganum13
Sophora secundifloraMescal Bean, Texas Mountain Laurel01
Tagetes lucidaMexican Tarragon, Sweetscented marigold43
Helicostylis tomentosaLetterhout, Letter Wood42
Banisteriopsis caapiYage, Ayahuasca, Caapi04
Pausinystalia johimbeYohimbe05
Pausinystalia macrocerasFalse johimbe05
Tabernanthe ibogaIboga04
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