We have recently published ‘Food Forest Plants for Hotter Conditions’: i.e. tropical and sub-tropical regions. We rely on regular donations to keep our free database going and help fund development of this and another book we are planning on food forest plants for Mediterranean climates. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Allium sativumGarlic, Cultivated garlic55
Allium sativum ophioscorodonSerpent Garlic55
Allium schoenoprasumChives, Wild chives, Flowering Onion52
Allium schoenoprasum sibiricumGiant Chives52
Armoracia rusticanaHorseradish, Red Cole33
Betula pendulaSilver Birch, European white birch, Common Birch, Warty Birch, European White Birch33
Betula pubescensWhite Birch, Downy birch33
Brassica oleracea botrytisCauliflower40
Brassica oleracea botrytis aparagoidesNine Star Perennial Broccoli40
Chamaemelum nobileChamomile, Roman chamomile25
Coriandrum sativumCoriander - Dhania - Cilantro, Coriander44
Drosera rotundifoliaSundew, Roundleaf sundew13
Entandrophragma utileSipo Mahogany02
Equisetum arvenseField Horsetail23
Equisetum hyemaleDutch Rush, Scouringrush horsetail, Horsetail, Scouring Rush, Rough Horsetail22
Equisetum sylvaticumWood Horsetail, Woodland horsetail12
Equisetum telmateiaGiant Horsetail11
Eucalyptus gunniiCider Gum33
Hyssopus officinalisHyssop23
Impatiens aurellaPaleyellow touch-me-not22
Impatiens capensisJewelweed32
Impatiens ecalcarata 22
Impatiens occidentalis 32
Impatiens pallidaPale Jewelweed, Pale touch-me-not33
Impatiens parvifloraSmallflower touchmenot22
Lantana camaraWild Sage, Lantana Verbena24
Phaseolus vulgarisFrench Bean, Kidney bean52
Plantago mediaHoary Plantain22
Ranunculus sceleratusCelery-Leaved Buttercup, Cursed buttercup11
Rheum palmatumTurkey Rhubarb, Chinese Rhubarb - Da Huang, Chinese rhubarb35
Sambucus nigraElderberry - European Elder, Black elderberry, American black elderberry, Blue elderberry, Europea43
Thuja plicataWestern Red Cedar, Giant Arborvitae, Giant Cedar, Incense Cedar, Western Red Cedar12
Thymus praecox arcticusWild Thyme32
Thymus serpyllumWild Thyme43
Thymus vulgarisCommon Thyme, Garden thyme, Wild Thyme43
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