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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Eucalyptus globulusTasmanian Blue Gum, Eurabbie, Blue Gum, Blue Eucalyptus14
Ferula assa-foetidaAsafoetida - Devil's Dung. Hing (Indian), Asafetida33
Fortunella japonicaRound Kumquat31
Ligusticum scoticumScottish Lovage, Scottish licorice-root, Hulten's licorice-root32
Nardostachys grandifloraSpikenard13
Rhus trilobataSkunk Bush, Basketbush, Squawbush, Three Leaf Sumac42
Stachys baicalensis 12
Stachys hyssopifolia ambiguahyssopleaf hedgenettle11
Thymus caespititiusCretan Thyme22
Thymus camphoratusCamphor Thyme02
Thymus capitatusHeaded Savory, Thymus22
Thymus cilicicusCilician Thyme12
Thymus herba-baronaCaraway Thyme32
Thymus hirtus 22
Thymus mastichinaMastic Thyme22
Thymus pannonicusEurasian thyme22
Thymus praecoxMother of thyme, Creeping thyme, Woolly Thyme22
Thymus praecox arcticusWild Thyme32
Thymus pulegioidesBroad-Leaved Thyme, lemon thyme22
Thymus quinquecostatus 22
Thymus serpyllumWild Thyme43
Thymus vulgarisCommon Thyme, Garden thyme, Wild Thyme43
Thymus x citriodorusLemon Thyme, Creeping Lemon Thyme, Lemon-Scented Thyme42
Thymus zygis 22
Abies lasiocarpaSubalpine Fir, Alpine Fir22
Angelica genuflexaKneeling Angelica21
Artemisia frigidaFringed Wormwood, Prairie sagewort22
Artemisia ludovicianaWhite Sage, Louisiana Sage, Prairie Sage, Western Mugwort22
Cinnamomum camphoraCamphor, Camphortree23
Cleome serrulataRocky Mountain Beeplant31
Osmorhiza occidentalisWestern Sweet-Cicely, Western sweetroot32
Rhus trilobataSkunk Bush, Basketbush, Squawbush, Three Leaf Sumac42
Aniba rosaeodoraBrazilian Rosewood, Rosewood-oil tree23
Cajanus cajanPigeon Pea, Puerto Rico Bean, Gandul, Dhal, Congo Pea42
Tarchonanthus camphoratusCamphor Bush, Wild Camphor Bush13
Coffea arabicaCoffee Arabica33
Pandanus amaryllifoliusFragrant Pandan32
Cupressus lusitanicaMexican Cypress02
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