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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Chimaphila maculataSpotted Wintergreen, Striped prince's pine, Pipsissewa13
Clematis ternifloraSennin-So, Sweet autumn virginsbower, Sweet Autumn Clematis, Fall Clematis11
Erythronium americanumTrout Lily, Dogtooth violet41
Helianthemum canadenseFrostweed, Longbranch frostweed02
Inula conyzaPloughman's Spikenard01
Nuphar luteaYellow Water Lily, Yellow pond-lily, Rocky Mountain pond-lily, Varigated yellow pond-lily32
Nymphaea albaWhite Water Lily, European white waterlily32
Nymphaea candida 22
Ophiopogon japonicusSnake's Beard, Dwarf lilyturf, Mondo Grass, Monkey Grass, Dwarf Lilyturf23
Saponaria officinalisSoapwort, Bouncingbet03
Sisymbrium loeseliiSmall tumbleweed mustard01
Smilax chinaChina Root43
Smilax glabratufuling23
Thalictrum collinumLesser meadow-rue01
Trifolium pratenseRed Clover33
Trifolium repensWhite Clover, Dutch Clover, Purple Dutch Clover, Shamrock, White Clover32
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