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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Abies balsameaBalsam Fir35
Abies fraseriShe Balsam, Fraser fir, Southern Balsam Fir13
Alliaria petiolataGarlic Mustard32
Allium victorialisAlpine Leek, Victory onion42
Artemisia dracunculoidesRussian Tarragon, Tarragon, French Tarragon21
Artemisia dracunculusTarragon, French Tarragon42
Barbarea australis 21
Barbarea vulgarisYellow Rocket, Garden yellowrocket31
Brassica rapa campestrisWild Turnip21
Brassica rapa chinensisPak Choi41
Calystegia soldanellaSea Bindweed, Seashore false bindweed11
Capsella bursa-pastorisShepherd's Purse32
Cardamine amaraLarge Bittercress31
Cardamine pratensisCuckoo Flower32
Cardaria drabaHoary Cress, Whitetop21
Carpesium abrotanoides 22
Citrus limonLemon45
Citrus reticulataMandarin, Tangerine, Unshu orange, Satsuma Orange,Temple Orange, Tangerine33
Cochlearia danicaDanish Scurvy Grass11
Cochlearia officinalisScurvy Grass, Spoonwort12
Crataegus pinnatifidaChinese Haw33
Cymbalaria muralisKenilworth Ivy21
Descurainia sophiaFlixweed, Herb sophia22
Diospyros virginianaAmerican Persimmon, Common persimmon, Persimmon51
Draba muralisWall Whitlow Grass11
Drimys lanceolataMountain Pepper31
Drimys winteriWinter's Bark32
Enchylaena tomentosaRuby Saltbush21
Eruca vesicaria sativaRocket41
Erysimum repandumBushy Wallflower, Spreading wallflower01
Helenium puberulumRosilla11
Hibiscus sabdariffaRoselle33
Iberis amaraRocket Candytuft, Annual candytuft12
Lemna minorDuckweed, Common duckweed12
Lepidium latifoliumDittander, Broadleaved pepperweed31
Lepidium perfoliatumClasping pepperweed11
Lepidium sativumCress, Gardencress pepperweed31
Lepidium virginicumWild Pepper Grass, Virginia pepperweed, Intermediate pepperweed, Menzies' pepperweed, Hairy pepperwe22
Lobularia maritimaSweet Alyssum11
Lysimachia nummulariaCreeping Jenny, Moneywort, Creeping Charlie12
Medicago sativaAlfalfa, Yellow alfalfa43
Nasturtium microphyllumWatercress, Onerow yellowcress31
Nasturtium officinaleWatercress43
Nasturtium x sterileBrown Watercress43
Oxalis acetosellaWood Sorrel32
Oxalis corniculataYellow Sorrel, Creeping woodsorrel22
Oxyria digynaMountain Sorrel, Alpine mountainsorrel31
Papaver nudicauleArctic Poppy, Icelandic poppy11
Pinus strobusWhite Pine, Eastern white pine23
Populus angustifoliaNarrowleaf Cottonwood12
Populus 'Balsam Spire'Tacatricho 3203
Populus balsamiferaBalsam Poplar, Black cottonwood13
Populus deltoidesEastern Cottonwood, Plains cottonwood, Rio Grande cottonwood, Necklace Poplar22
Populus fremontiiCottonwood, Fremont cottonwood, Fremont Poplar, Western Cottonwood12
Populus trichocarpaWestern Balsam Poplar, Black cottonwood13
Populus x jackiiBalm Of Gilead03
Portulaca oleraceaGreen Purslane, Little hogweed43
Portulaca oleracea sativaGolden Purslane43
Pringlea antiscorbutica 21
Raphanus sativusRadish, Cultivated radish43
Raphanus sativus caudatusRat-Tail Radish33
Raphanus sativus nigerOriental Radish43
Raphanus sativus oleiformisFodder Radish33
Ribes rubrumRed Currant, Cultivated currant41
Rorippa palustrisYellow Marsh Cress, Bog yellowcress, Hispid yellowcress, Western bog yellowcress21
Rumex acetosaSorrel, Garden sorrel53
Rumex conglomeratusSharp Dock, Clustered dock12
Rumex crispusCurled Dock, Curly dock23
Rumex hydrolapathumGreat Water Dock11
Rumex scutatusBuckler-Leaved Sorrel, French sorrel41
Sagittaria sagittifoliaArrow Head, Hawaii arrowhead51
Sagittaria sagittifolia leucopetala 31
Sagittaria trifoliaChinese Arrowroot, Threeleaf arrowhead42
Samolus valerandiBrookweed, Seaside brookweed21
Senecio erucifoliusHoary Groundsel, Hoary ragwort02
Senecio sylvaticusMountain Groundsel, Woodland ragwort01
Senecio vulgarisGroundsel12
Sisymbrium altissimumTumble Mustard, Tall tumblemustard11
Sisymbrium loeseliiSmall tumbleweed mustard01
Sorbus americanaAmerican Mountain Ash12
Sorbus aucupariaMountain Ash, European mountain ash22
Veronica anagallis-aquaticaWater Speedwell22
Veronica arvensisCorn Speedwell01
Veronica beccabungaBrooklime, European speedwell11
Veronica hederifoliaIvy-Leaf Speedwell01
Anacardium occidentaleCashew, Caju53
Annona muricataSour Sop43
Mangifera indicaMango, Bowen Mango53
Passiflora quadrangularisGiant Granadilla, Badea42
Phyllanthus emblicaEmblica, Indian Gooseberry35
Populus hybridsHybrid poplar33
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