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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Abelmoschus moschatusMusk Mallow,Musk Okra23
Abies lasiocarpaSubalpine Fir, Alpine Fir22
Anethum graveolensDill43
Brachyglottis repandaBushman's Toilet Paper11
Coriandrum sativumCoriander - Dhania - Cilantro, Coriander44
Lavandula angustifoliaEnglish Lavender, True Lavender23
Lavandula x intermediaLavender, Lavandin22
Leptospermum ericoides 11
Lysimachia foenum-graecumLing Xiang Cao01
Lysimachia sikokiana 01
Melicope ternata 11
Pittosporum eugenioidesTarata11
Prunus persicaPeach, Flowering Peach, Ornamental Peach, Common Peach53
Piper betleBetel23
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