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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Astragalus gummiferTragacanth, Gum tragacanth milkvetch23
Astragalus membranaceusHuang Qi05
Baptisia tinctoriaWild Indigo, Horseflyweed13
Centella asiaticaGotu Kola, Spadeleaf25
Chamaelirium luteumBlazing Star - Unicorn Root - Devil's Bit, Fairywand03
Codonopsis pilosulaDang Shen, Bellflower23
Codonopsis tangshenChuan Dang03
Codonopsis tubulosa 03
Echinacea angustifoliaEchinacea, Blacksamson echinacea, Strigose blacksamson05
Echinacea pallidaCone Flower, Pale purple coneflower05
Echinacea purpureaEchinacea, Eastern purple coneflower, Hedge Coneflower, Black Sampson , Purple Coneflower15
Eleutherococcus senticosusSiberian Ginseng25
Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus 23
Lepidium meyeniiMaca53
Panax ginsengGinseng, Chinese ginseng25
Panax quinquefoliusAmerican Ginseng13
Rhodiola roseaRose Root23
Salvia multiorrhizaDan Shen03
Withania somniferaAshwagandha - Indian Ginseng, Withania14
Curculigo orchioidesStar grass, Golden-eyed grass14
Pfaffia paniculataPfaffia04
Ptychopetalum olacoidesMuira Puama, marapuama04
Ptychopetalum uncinatumMuira Puama04
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