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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Achyranthes japonicaJapanese Chaff Flower03
Acorus calamusSweet Flag - Calamus34
Alnus viridis crispaAmerican Green Alder12
Ananas comosusPineapple52
Aristolochia clematitisBirthwort02
Aristolochia rotundaSnakeroot02
Artemisia campestrisField Southernwood02
Artocarpus heterophyllusJackfruit52
Arum dioscoridis 21
Averrhoa carambolaCarambola, Star Fruit42
Baccharis genistelloidesCarqueja04
Barringtonia edulisVutu kana, Cut nut42
Barringtonia novae hiberniaePao Nut42
Belamcanda chinensisLeopard Lily, Blackberry lily, Leopard Flower13
Betula occidentalisWater Birch32
Buddleia asiaticaBai Bei Feng11
Calotropis giganteaGiant Milkweed, Crown Flower, Giant Calotrope, Swallow-wort23
Carica papayaPapaya, Mamo, Melon Tree53
Cedrela odorataCedar Wood, West Indian Cedar, SpanishCedar, Cigar-box Cedar, Cedro Hembra12
Ceiba pentandraKapok Tree, Cotton Tree, Suma'ma33
Celastrus dependens 12
Citrus aurantiifoliaLime, Key Lime, Mexican Lime, Mexican Thornless Key Lime42
Costus aferSpiral Ginger, Ginger lily, White spiral costus.24
Crescentia cujeteCalabash Tree32
Crocus sativusSaffron33
Cyperus articulatusJointed flatsedge, Priprioca, Piripiri14
Daphne genkwaLilac Daphne03
Daphne laureolaSpurge Laurel01
Dianthus superbusFringed Pink23
Dictamnus albusBurning Bush, Gasplant, White Dittany,23
Ecballium elateriumSquirting Cucumber02
Euphorbia lathyrisCaper Spurge, Moleplant12
Fraxinus floribundaHimalayan Ash22
Garrya ellipticaCoast Silk Tassel, Wavyleaf silktassel02
Gleditsia koraiensisKorean Honey Locust22
Gloriosa superbaGloriosa Lily, Climbing Lily, Flame Lily04
Gossypium barbadenseSea Island Cotton32
Gossypium herbaceumLevant cotton33
Guarea guidoniaMuskwood , Carrapeta, Cedro Macho02
Hedeoma pulegioidesAmerican Pennyroyal, American false pennyroyal33
Hibiscus diversifoliusSwamp Hibiscus21
Hordeum vulgareBarley, Common barley43
Ilex cornutaHorned Holly, Chinese holly12
Indigofera arrectaBengal Indigo, Java indigo, Natal indigo22
Juniperus sabinaSavine, Tam Juniper02
Juniperus silicicolaSouthern Redcedar, Juniper, Southern Red Cedar22
Juniperus virginianaPencil Cedar, Eastern redcedar, Southern redcedar, Silver Cedar, Burk Eastern Red Cedar, Silver East22
Laurus nobilisBay Tree, Sweet bay, Grecian Laurel, True Laurel,33
Lavandula latifoliaSpike Lavender, Broadleaved lavender22
Leucaena leucocephalaLeucaena, Lead Tree, White Tamarind32
Malus coronariaGarland Crab, Sweet crab apple31
Mentha australis 02
Mentha satureioidesNative Pennyroyal22
Mentha x piperita vulgarisBlack Peppermint45
Mezilaurus itaubaItauba22
Moringa oleiferaHorseradish Tree, Moringa,44
Myrica galeBog Myrtle, Sweetgale22
Packera aureaGolden Groundsel - Life Root, Golden ragwort02
Paraderris ellipticaDerris02
Parkinsonia aculeataJerusalem Thorn32
Peganum harmalaSyrian Rue, Harmal peganum13
Pentaclethra macrophyllaAfrican Oil Bean. Oil Bean Tree, Owala Oil32
Pentadiplandra brazzeanaJoy perfume tree, j'oubli44
Pericopsis angolensisEast African afrormosia02
Persea borboniaRed Bay, Sweetbay12
Persicaria odorataVietnamese coriander, Asian mint32
Petiveria alliaceaGuinea Hen Weed04
Phoradendron leucarpumFalse Mistletoe, Oak mistletoe01
Phytolacca dodecandraEndod, Pokeberry23
Phytolacca esculenta 22
Pithecellobium dulceManila Tamarind, Madras Thorn42
Polygala senegaSenega Snake Root03
Pongamia pinnataPongam, Karum Tree, Poonga-Oil Tree, Indian Beech03
Pseudosasa japonicaMetake - Bamboo21
Rubia peregrinaWild Madder01
Rubus moluccanusCeylon Blackberry, Eelkek32
Ruta chalepensisEgyptian Rue, Fringed rue11
Ruta graveolensRue, Common rue, Herb of Grace, Garden Rue13
Sanicula canadensisBlack Snakeroot01
Senna alataRingworm Bush, Candle Bush, Empress Candle Plant24
Sophora japonicaJapanese Pagoda Tree, Scholar Tree23
Sparganium stoloniferum 11
Spondias dulcisGolden Apple, Ambarella,42
Spondias mombinYellow Mombin, Hog Plum, Caja Fruit, Taperebá42
Taxus canadensisCanadian Yew34
Thuja plicataWestern Red Cedar, Giant Arborvitae, Giant Cedar, Incense Cedar, Western Red Cedar12
Tribulus terrestrisCaltrop, Puncturevine13
Trichilia dregeanaCape Mahogany43
Trichosanthes cucumerina anguinaSnake Gourd21
Trichosanthes kirilowiiChinese Cucumber24
Turraeanthus africanusAvodire02
Viburnum prunifoliumStagberry, Black Haw, Hybrid blackhaw, Smooth Blackhaw, Blackhaw Viburnum23
Withania somniferaAshwagandha - Indian Ginseng, Withania14
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