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Aloe camperi - Schweinf.

Common Name Aloe
Family Xanthorrhoeaceae
USDA hardiness 9-12
Known Hazards The sap of Aloe species contains anthraquinones. These compounds have several beneficial medicinal actions, particularly as a laxative, and many species of Aloe are thus employed in traditional medicine. Whilst safe in small doses and for short periods of time, anthraquinones do have potential problems if used in excess. These include congestion and irritation of the pelvic organs[ 299 ]. Long term use of anthraquinone laxatives may also play a role in development of colorectal cancer as they have genotoxic potential, and tumorigenic potential[ 299 ].
Habitats Rocky slopes and sandy alluvial plains at elevations from 550 - 2,700 metres[338 ].
Range East tropical Africa - Eritrea, northern Ethiopia.
Edibility Rating    (0 of 5)
Other Uses    (1 of 5)
Weed Potential No
Medicinal Rating    (4 of 5)
Care (info)
Tender Well drained soil Semi-shade Full sun
Aloe camperi Aloe

Aloe camperi Aloe


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Aloe camperi. This species from the Aloe genus is indigenous to Africa specifically the regions of Ethiopia and Eritrea, where it is considered as one of the most important medicinal plants. Aloe camperi is a perennial, succulent plant with orange flowers and rosette leaves that grow in clusters. The leaves grow up to 60 cm long and leaf base can reach up to 15 cm wide. Like other species from the Aloe genus, it is used for treating skin conditions and as a laxative. However, excess use of Aloe sap as a laxative may cause congestion and irritation of the pelvic organs. Plant exudate is known to have anti-fungal properties. Aloe camperi is also cultivated as an ornamental plant.

Physical Characteristics

 icon of manicon of shrub
Aloe camperi is an evergreen Shrub growing to 0.8 m (2ft 7in) by 0.8 m (2ft 7in) at a medium rate.
See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 10 and is frost tender.
Suitable for: light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils, prefers well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. Suitable pH: mildly acid, neutral and basic (mildly alkaline) soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers dry soil and can tolerate drought. The plant can tolerates strong winds but not maritime exposure.

UK Hardiness Map US Hardiness Map


Aloe albopicta A.Berger Aloe eru A.Berger

Plant Habitats

Edible Uses

None Known

References   More on Edible Uses

Medicinal Uses

Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.
Antifungal  Laxative  Skin

This species is said to be one of the most important medicinal plants in Eritrea, although we have very ittle information on its usage. It is likely to be used in ways similar to Aloe vera, where the gel is used to treat a wide range of skin conditions and the bitters from the sap exudate is used as a laxative. The distinctive constituents in Aloe leaves are phenolic compounds, including chromone, anthraquinone or anthrone derivatives. Some of the compounds are found in many species, whereas others occur in only a few[ 299 ]. The main components of the exudate are emodin and aloenin[ 299 ]. The exudate has significant antifungal properties[ 299 ].

References   More on Medicinal Uses

The Bookshop: Edible Plant Books

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Food Forest Plants for Hotter Conditions: 250+ Plants For Tropical Food Forests & Permaculture Gardens.
Edible Tropical Plants

Food Forest Plants for Hotter Conditions: 250+ Plants For Tropical Food Forests & Permaculture Gardens.

Plants for Your Food Forest: 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests & Permaculture Gardens.
Edible Temperate Plants

Plants for Your Food Forest: 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests & Permaculture Gardens.

PFAF have eight books available in paperback and digital media.
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Other Uses

Other uses rating: Low (1/5). Suitable for xeriscaping. Suitable for growing in containers.

Special Uses

References   More on Other Uses

Cultivation details

Plants can tolerate occasional temperatures down to around -2c, so long as conditions are fairly dry[ 423 ]. Succeeds in full sun to light shade[ 423 ]. Established plants are fairly drought tolerant[ 423 ]. Aloe species follow the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). CAM plants can fix carbon dioxide at night and photosynthesize with closed stomata during the day, thus minimizing water loss. This, plus their succulent leaves and stems, and the presence of a thick cuticle, makes them well adapted to dry conditions[ 299 ].

References   Carbon Farming Information and Carbon Sequestration Information

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The PFAF Bookshop

Plants For A Future have a number of books available in paperback and digital form. Book titles include Edible Plants, Edible Perennials, Edible Trees,Edible Shrubs, Woodland Gardening, and Temperate Food Forest Plants. Our new book is Food Forest Plants For Hotter Conditions (Tropical and Sub-Tropical).

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Plant Propagation

Seed - we have no specific information on this species - in general Aloes are sown in a sandy, well-drained potting soil in a warm, shady position in standard seed trays. Germination takes about three weeks. Cover the seed with a thin layer of sand (1 - 2mm), keep moist. The seedlings can be planted out in individual bags or containers as soon as they are large enough to handle[ 295 ]. Suckers

Other Names

If available other names are mentioned here


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Found In

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Weed Potential

Right plant wrong place. We are currently updating this section. Please note that a plant may be invasive in one area but may not in your area so it’s worth checking.

None Known

Conservation Status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants Status : Endangered.

Related Plants
Latin NameCommon NameHabitHeightHardinessGrowthSoilShadeMoistureEdibleMedicinalOther
Aloe arborescensCandelabra Aloe, Tree Aloe, Mountain Bush AloeShrub3.0 10-11 MLMSNDM253
Aloe feroxCape Aloe, Bitter Aloe, Red Aloe, Cape Aloe, Alligator Jaw AloeShrub3.0 9-11 SLMND253
Aloe macrosiphonTanzanian AloePerennial0.5 9-11 SLMSND041
Aloe perryiPerry's AloePerennial0.3 10-12 SLMND041
Aloe veraAloe Vera, Barbados aloe, First Aid Plant, Medicinal AloePerennial0.8 9-11 SLMNDM153
Aquilaria malaccensisAgar Wood, Eaglewood, Indian Aloewood, AloeswoodTree20.0 10-12 SLMHSNM133
Hesperaloe funiferaNew Mexico false yuccaPerennial1.8 6-9 SLMNDM002
Hesperaloe nocturna Perennial1.8 6-9 SLMNDM002
Yucca aloifoliaSpanish Bayonet, Aloe yucca, Dagger Plant, Yucca, Spanish BayonetTree7.5 8-10 SLMHSNDM312

Growth: S = slow M = medium F = fast. Soil: L = light (sandy) M = medium H = heavy (clay). pH: A = acid N = neutral B = basic (alkaline). Shade: F = full shade S = semi-shade N = no shade. Moisture: D = dry M = Moist We = wet Wa = water.


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A special thanks to Ken Fern for some of the information used on this page.

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Subject : Aloe camperi  
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