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Search for: Annonaceae
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Annona atemoyaAtemoyaAnnonaceaeNo synonyms are recorded for this name.50
Annona cherimolaCherimoya, Custard AppleAnnonaceae 52
Annona liebmannianaHardshell custard-apple, Posh-teAnnonaceaeAnnona scleroderma Saff. Annona testudinea Saff.40
Annona mucosaWild SweetsopAnnonaceaeRollinia deliciosa Saff. Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Baill. Rollinia orthopetala A.DC. Rollinia pulchrin51
Annona muricataSour SopAnnonaceaeAnnona bonplandiana Kunth Annona cearaensis Barb.Rodr. Annona macrocarpa Werckl? Guanabanus muricatu43
Annona salzmanniiBeach Sugar AppleAnnonaceaeNo synonyms are recorded for this name.40
Annona squamosaSugar Apple, Sweetsop, Custard AppleAnnonaceaeAnnona asiatica L. Annona biflora Mo?. & Sess? Annona cinerea Dunal Annona forskahlii DC. Guanabanus52
Annona vepretorumAraticum, Pinha da Caatinga, Araticum-da-bahiaAnnonaceaeNo synonyms are recorded for this name.40
Asimina trilobaPapawAnnonaceaeAnnona triloba.42
Cananga odorataYlang Ylang, Perfume TreeAnnonaceaeCananga scortechinii King. Canangium odoratum (Lam.) Baillon. ex King. Uvaria odorata Lam.23
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