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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Ajuga decumbens 02
Anthoxanthum odoratumSweet Vernal Grass22
Arisaema consanguineumTian Nan Xing13
Cyrtomium fortuneiAsian netvein hollyfern02
Daphne genkwaLilac Daphne03
Duchesnea indicaMock Strawberry, Indian strawberry22
Gynura segetum 02
Melilotus albusWhite Melilot22
Melilotus indicusAnnual Yellow Sweetclover12
Miscanthus sinensisEulalia, Chinese silvergrass, Silver Feather, Eulalia Grass, Japanese Silver Grass, Ornamental Grass12
Patrinia scabiosifoliaEastern Valerian, Scabious Patrinia13
Polygonum orientalePrince's Feather, Kiss me over the garden gate22
Prunus davidianaChinese Wild Peach23
Rumex daiwoosour dock12
Solidago virgaureaGoldenrod13
Typha angustifoliaSmall Reed Mace, Narrowleaf cattail53
Typha bungeana 43
Typha davidiana 43
Typha latifoliaReedmace, Broadleaf cattail, Bullrush, Nailrod53
Typha minima 23
Typha orientalisBroadleaf Cumbungi43
Verbena officinalisVervain, Herb of the cross, Prostrate verbena13
Cecropia peltataTrumpet Tree, Snakewood, Congo pump, Wild pawpaw, Pop-a-gun33
Parkia biglobosaAfrican Locust Bean42
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