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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Aesculus indicaIndian Horse Chestnut31
Anacyclus pyrethrumMount Atlas Daisy, Chamomile Spanish, Pellitory02
Arisaema triphyllumJack In The Pulpit, Dragonroot, Indian Turnip32
Asphodelus aestivus 31
Chelidonium majusGreater Celandine, Swallow Wort, Greater Celandine13
Fagopyrum esculentumBuckwheat43
Plumbago europaeaPlumbago02
Ranunculus acrisMeadow Buttercup, Tall buttercup, Showy buttercup12
Ranunculus bulbosusBulbous Buttercup, St. Anthony's turnip12
Ranunculus sceleratusCelery-Leaved Buttercup, Cursed buttercup11
Reseda odorataMignonette, Garden mignonette01
Sapium sebiferumVegetable Tallow, Chinese tallow, Popcorn Tree, Chinese Tallow Tree22
Buchanania lanzanAlmondette, Charoli Nut42
Mimosa pudicaMorivivir, Sensitive Plant22
Guaiacum sanctumLignum Vitae, Guaiacum, Holy Wood02
Petiveria alliaceaGuinea Hen Weed04
Smilax aristolochiifoliaMexican Sarsaparilla24
Smilax febrifugaEcuadorian Sarsaparilla34
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